Example sentences of "had [vb pp] since 1945 " in BNC.

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1 In West Germany the socialist students ' organization , the SDS , had grown into the most successful and radical challenge to the status quo that the state had seen since 1945 .
2 Manual workers ' expectations of family size had fallen , managerial workers ' expectations had risen since 1945 .
3 As soon as Edouard Balladur was appointed head of the new conservative government in March , he told them that he would be asking for sacrifices to clean up what he claimed was the worst economic mess France had known since 1945 .
4 Taken together the 1972 Basic Treaty on Germany and the 1975 Accords seemed effectively to provide Europe with what it had lacked since 1945 : a post-war peace settlement based on the acceptance of the Continent 's division .
5 After falling and hitting her head in Turner Village , where she had lived since 1945 , she was taken to the accident and emergency department at the general hospital .
6 This was attacked by Labour as dismantling the housing welfare programme as it had existed since 1945 , or perhaps since the Addison Act of 1919 .
7 For its part , the Labour Government of 1960 did a " U turn " on a number of pledges ( most notably by restoring charges for the health service ) , and although the party entered office in 1974 with a series of clear policy commitments more radical in tone and in aspiration than any that the party had endorsed since 1945 the promise of industrial regeneration and social justice was in the end reneged .
8 Old-style Falangists occupied the ministries associated with social and political control ( Interior , Army , Labour and the Party Secretariat ) , but portfolios connected with the external image of the regime and the assurance of its future ( such as Justice , Foreign Affairs , Education and Public Works ) were assigned to men guided less by rigid ideological concepts than by their awareness that the world had changed since 1945 and that Spain needed to adapt if it was to be counted among the leading nations in the post-war world .
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