Example sentences of "is better suited to " in BNC.

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1 A technical problem such as this raises interesting methodological questions , because it forces one to ask which style of research is better suited to overcoming respondents ' resistance and suspicion , especially when talking about sensitive and controversial topics .
2 The tournament moves to Wembley today and Wright believes that this will prove to be to her advantage because the Perspex court is better suited to her slower style of play .
3 Ian McKellen is better suited to small spaces than large ones , because a lot of what he does involves gesture , expression and nuance of voice .
4 ‘ That 's why her style is better suited to a Policy Unit that is hers rather than to a CPRS which serves the Cabinet . ’
5 One individual may be more likely to survive because it is better suited to making its way about its environment and not because it is fiercer than others .
6 In the hard sell of this linguistic and cultural economy , claims are made for English , not unlike those formerly made for Latin or for certain styles of French , that it is better suited to particular intellectual and scientific purposes , notably in the current situation , those for which consumers want to buy languages .
7 In addition , because the greater part of resources available to the sector is the freely given time of local people , it is better suited to survival than many larger organisations which are more dependent on cash funding .
8 But flippancy is better suited to selling food — so unless you buckle down it 's back to the Fission Chips account for you .
9 We now have the opportunity to demonstrate in practice that our more hybrid approach is better suited to the needs of the next decade .
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