Example sentences of "like to see the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Last night some Conservatives argued that government whips should demand that Mr Heseltine urge retreat on Sir Anthony , who has said he would like to see the former Defence Secretary and ardent pro-European lead the party .
2 In fact the writer goes on to say , ‘ It would be the embalmer 's dream never to see another ‘ posted case ’ , and he would like to see the usual procedure altered with regard to the requesting of a post-mortem examination .
3 After all he 's put the money in to pay pensions and the beneficiaries ought to have a strong hand in saying how that money is used , so we see half the trustees coming from the employer , the other half from the members of the pension fund , and we 've got a pension fund with the very heavy weighting of er pensioners and not so many employees and we would like to see the remaining seats er half the trustees elected , partly from the current employees , partly from the deferred pensioners and partly from the pensioners and reflecting in a broad way the numbers in each of those categories .
4 We would we would like to see the controlling group showing equal commitment to keeping all of us in the black .
5 ‘ I 'd quite like to see the final judging of the handy hunter , ’ said Julia knowledgeably .
6 Thought you 'd like to see the enclosed snippets .
7 I 'd like to see the blue tits come out you know there was a programme on television and you saw inside a box of a blue tit , a nesting box , right inside .
8 John Millington , principal training adviser for the Engineering Industry Training Board , says employers would like to see the present system streamlined , with fewer syllabuses and more emphasis on assessing a wider range of skills .
9 They would like to see the present role of parish councils retained and enhanced .
10 What I 've said is that I 'd like to see the existing C P O's become divisional staff at the division that they are working now so that the divisional commander can allow them to stay there holding hands with the new civilian C P O for up to six months if necessary because it then becomes a local decision as to when the when the two have that umbilical cut .
11 I would like to see the current midfield plus Rocky and hodge , and also like to see Strandli get a chance with Deane and wallace .
12 But he said , politely and kindly , ‘ If you do n't care for books much , perhaps you 'd like to see the screaming skull .
13 The opposite view is expressed by Arthur Andersen , which would like to see the supervisory function of NEDs spelled out and encouragement given to experimentation with alternative forms of corporate governance , including two-tier boards .
14 If you would like to see the New Home range in action , send for a list of stockists and visit one to collect a free sample of embroidery .
15 I should like to see the new Techniquest look out across a natural estuary that has seen the tide rise and fall for a million years .
16 The Council , for historical reasons an influential force in German politics , would like to see the Soviet Jews welcomed in Germany .
17 Avoid implying that you would like to see the other person adopt your own managerial style .
18 ‘ I 'd like to see the best refs take the best games .
19 ‘ I would like to see the Russian Kamdiesel project through to the end , ’ says Mr Mukwala , who lives on Easson Road in Darlington .
20 He said he would like to see the environmental burden removed from the industry in the future and salmon farmers paid , in the same way as agricultural farmers , for sound conservation practice .
21 We would like to see the special qualities of rural development more clearly described in the PPG Note .
22 I thought you might like to see the cheeky lodger I have .
23 The neccriminal justice act in November introduces a new sentencing frame work which should reduce the numbers , but others would like to see the next Goverment go further .
24 I would like to see the same thing happen to them . ’
25 So I would like to see the old law brought back , which says that all the players in front of the kicker must retreat until the kicker or anyone behind him has passed them .
26 Omi thought that you might like to see the old Adlon .
27 ‘ Uncle , I thought that you would like to see the very spot where they burned the books , ’ she said .
28 This was greeted with shock and outrage by an Italian public which , although it goes to church in ever smaller numbers , would like to see the outward signs of the Church 's existence march on unchanged , and recoils at the prospect of a sacred building housing something so profane as a fashion house , for example .
29 And if you 'd like to see the full collection just tick the box on your order form for the complete Essentials .
30 ‘ I thoroughly disagreed with him on numerous issues , ’ said Teller , ‘ to this extent I would like to see the vital interests of this country in hands which I understand better and therefore trust more . ’
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