Example sentences of "set up [art] working party " in BNC.

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1 On Sunday the national executive committee firmly rejected the proposal to set up a working party to study electoral reform .
2 It asked the officers to reflect on the discussions which led up to , and followed the issue of , Partnership in Validation , and subsequently accepted the advice offered in an officers ' paper to set up a working party to pursue the discussion further and report back in May 1978 , after consulting the Council 's committees and boards .
3 What a waste of time , we all know that the county council is the the highway authority and is fully responsible for traffic management , we 're in a minority and to set up a working party is a complete waste of time . .
4 In Brussels yesterday , EC transport ministers took a step towards allowing the European Commission to negotiate transport accords on behalf of EC states , when they agreed to set up a working party to see when and how the Commission could negotiate .
5 In Brussels yesterday , EC transport ministers took a step towards allowing the executive European Commission to negotiate transport accords on behalf of EC states , when they agreed to set up a working party to see when and how the Commission could negotiate .
6 We will set up a working party to examine what more can be done to protect the police and members of other emergency services from assault .
7 I hope that the Home Secretary will set up a working party jointly with the Police Federation of England and Wales .
8 Following the very worthwhile discussion at the seminar we set up a Working Party to explore the main issues of concern and to suggest practical guidelines and recommendations for implementation .
9 The council has already set up a working party on resists , chaired by Ron Lawes .
10 The Bishops of England and Wales have set up a working party to prepare guidelines for all our schools , to help their teaching about these questions .
11 In Britain , the electronics industry has set up a working party to look at the options .
12 The Church of England has set up a working party to investigate the possibility of placing advertisements on radio and television in a bid to attract more people to the Church .
13 I understand that the Scottish Home and Health Department has set up a working party to consider this issue , but as yet no recommendations have been made .
14 The committee have set up a working party to look into the proposal .
15 The Royal Agricultural Society of England has set up a working party , under the chairmanship of Sir Derek Barber , following the challenge laid down by HRH Prince of Wales earlier this year at the society 's annual lecture .
16 The National Materials Handling Centre accordingly set up a Working Party , chaired by Mr. A. C. Parnell of Fire Check Consultants with a brief to examine the following areas of the problem ; the whole being intended to act as a plain main 's guide but one which had the agreement of all interested parties .
17 It has also set up a working party to consider other possibilities and to study the implications of BS7750 , the BSI standard concerned with Green issues .
18 Now , I do understand that the C E C has already set up a working party to look into this whole issue of elections to the C E C , and no doubt , that will also include a review of the byelaws .
19 He feels it 's time we actually set up a working party .
20 Here in the region , the Oxford district health uthority has set up a working party on doctors hours … they 're concerned about the effects on doctors and patients .
21 I mean , having done that we have n't yet set up a working party and let the rest of the world forget about us !
22 Furthermore , as some of you here know , the diocese of Bath and Wells set up a working party in 1986 to set out our own policy .
23 The FAO 's breed preservation meetings began in 1966 and in 1968 the ZSL and the Royal Agricultural Society of England set up a working party to consider the problem of Britain 's vanishing breeds .
24 Aware of the need for effective practical techniques of odour control , in June 1971 , the Department of the Environment set up a working party with the following terms of reference : ‘ To examine the problems of unpleasant odours emitted by offensive and selected other trades , and to make recommendations about the best practicable means for their minimisation and suppression ’ .
25 The DES has been anxious to promote a national system of transferability and , to this long-term end , it set up a working party in June 1977 to examine all aspects of a national credit transfer agency , under the chairmanship of Peter Toyne , formerly of Exeter University and now Deputy Director of the West Sussex Institute of Higher Education .
26 Senate set up a working party under Professor Furmston , Council asked consultants Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte to look at the matter , convocation set up an ad hoc working group to respond to the first two reports , and the Vice-Chancellor produced a report for Council which drew together the common threads in all three .
27 The Committee for Education gave special attention to the question of college libraries and set up a working party in 1974 to advise on provision in colleges proposing to diversify their courses , and over the next three years it offered guidance on ways of assessing the quality of provision , emphasized the importance of the standing of the head of the library service or resource centre , of consultation with the library in course development , and of initiating students into making effective use of the library and learning resources .
28 When was invited to conduct a review of the topic in the summer the Public Affairs Committee set up a working party ( Chairman : QC ) , and the report has been submitted to .
29 Mr Lang set up the working party in March 1991 after the Government rejected calls for national parks in Scotland .
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