Example sentences of "write [prep] the [num ord] century " in BNC.

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1 They are stories situated in different countries — Villette is set in France , and was written in the 19th century , while ‘ The Catcher in the Rye ’ is set in America , and was written in this century .
2 The earliest recorded mention of Aksum is in the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea probably written in the second century AD .
3 The word algebra derives from the word al-jabr which appears in the title of a book written in the 9th Century by the Persian mathematician Mohammed Al-Khowarizimi ( from whose name comes the word algorithm ) .
4 The account of the Roman conquest of Britain by the Roman writer Tacitus , is certainly more " primary " than Collingwood 's Roman Britain written in the twentieth century , yet Tacitus was describing events in which he himself had not participated , though his father-in-law , and one of his key " sources " , was the General , Agricola , who had played a leading role in the campaigns .
5 From a twentieth century perspective it is often difficult to admire either the management of plot and catastrophe or the sentiments of plays written in the mid-eighteenth century .
6 These maxims , many of them reflecting nothing more than common sense , and taken from the recorded experience of the past , were to be found mainly in two works : the Facta et dicta memorabilia of Valerius Maximus , written in the first century AD , and the Stratagemata of Frontinus , composed in the same century by a man who had been for a short while Roman governor of Britain .
7 Later , in a treatise written in the eighteenth century , Mémoire sur la manière de cultiver la vigne et de faire le vin en Champagne ( written , it is believed , by Jean Godinot c. 1718 ) , it is stated that the Champenois had begun to study how to produce a ‘ grey … almost white wine ’ some fifty years before , that is to say approximately 1668 .
8 Slater and Gearing ( 1988 ) give the following quotation from Samuel Johnson , written in the eighteenth century , to illustrate their argument that we are too ready to ascribe the label demented to older people .
9 erm Gibbon 's written in the eighteenth century .
10 Yes , Dutch , yes , no not as I say , not far away , that was Deut the first the first one we heard was Deutscheland , and that was the Dutch one , that 's the Netherlands one , erm , written a long time ago , written in the sixteenth century , written as a piece of music , erm , the tune , apparently very very old indeed , erm , and Mozart took the tune , and made variations on it , which is perhaps why it sounds familiar , you 've probably heard it somewhere else .
11 It was described in a Greek herbal written in the third century B.C. and is probably a native of the eastern Mediterranean area , though it is now so widespread it is difficult to be certain of its origin .
12 This is the study of papers written in the fifteenth century or something
13 The Serbs are first referred to as a distinct group in the Balkans in the writings of the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII ( Porphyrogenitus , nominally emperor from 913 to 959 but effectively so from 945 ) His massive work De administrando imperio , written in the tenth century , refers to Serbs who were subjects of his predecessors and who were converted to Christianity in the ninth century .
14 References in the work of Constantine Porphyrogenitus , written in the tenth century , indicate that they were settled in Dalmatia in his time and had probably been there for two hundred years .
15 A further problem with compensation theory is its neglect of the effect of unemployment benefit , not a factor needing to be taken into account by the earliest exponents of this theory , writing in the mid-eighteenth century .
16 For example , Plato , writing in the first century AD , says that some regarded oreichalkos ( brass ) as being above silver , and more recently , in the nineteenth century , when aluminium first became available as an expensive novelty it was used in place of silver for prestige items .
17 Pure gold can be beaten out to form very thin sheets ; according to Pliny , writing in the first century AD , 25 g of gold could be beaten into 750 leaves each 10 cm square .
18 Writing in the first century BC , Cicero ( De republica , xiv .
19 Writing in the 12th century , William of Malmesbury provided further details : ‘ The villain of the piece was AElfthryth , Ethelred 's mother and Edward 's step-mother , who wanted power for herself and her son .
20 According to Dicey , writing in the nineteenth century , the British Constitution was " judge made . "
21 Writing in the eighth century the Lombard historian Paul the Deacon provides some additional information relating to the involvement of Childebert in the elevation of Tassilo as " king " of the Bavarians , confirming his influence outside Francia itself .
22 According to Eusebius , the Church historian writing in the fourth century , Thomas migrated north-eastwards , evangelising among the Parthians — the ‘ barbarian ’ people who occupied the region from the Tigris-Euphrates basin up through what is modern-day Iran .
23 Cornish historian Doctor Borlase , writing in the eighteenth century , commented on the Druidical significance of ‘ the Festival Fires , call 'd Bonfires … kindled on the Eve of St John Baptist and St Peter 's Day and Midsummer is thence , in the Cornish tongue , call 'd Goluan which signifies both light and Rejoicing ’ .
24 That is , people writing in the eighteenth century that th you know um it was appropriate for kids to be introduced to sex when they were around y'know sort of seven or eight or something in some cases .
25 Writing in the mid-seventh century , probably in Burgundy , the chronicler known as Fredegar recorded the tradition that Priam was the first king of the Franks .
26 Writing in the sixth century the Gothic historian Jordanes knew of only one Roman squadron at the battle of the Catalaunian Plains .
27 Edward Lane , writing in the mid-nineteenth century , described the celebrations which still greeted the rising Nile each summer .
28 In the attainment targets for reading we included the following for levels 8 , 9 and 10 : ‘ Read a range of poetry , fiction , literary non-fiction and drama , including works written before the twentieth century and works from different cultures . ’
29 Despite the stated belief in the Proposals that students at school should be exposed to a historic range of English writing , there is little attention to works written before the nineteenth century , and certainly no recognition that new relations with history are causing literary texts to be approached in new ways .
30 Read a range of poetry , fiction , literary non-fiction , eg letters , diaries , autobiographies , and drama , including some works written before the 20th century and works from different cultures .
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