Example sentences of "begin to move [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the leading wheels ( the outer pair ) begin to move over the curve on the outside rails at the same time as the trailing wheels strike the curve , and the tank remains correctly orientated .
2 Behind him Charley was in the middle of the road , also beginning to move towards the van .
3 ‘ This way , ’ he answered huskily , beginning to move over the bridge .
4 Combines are just beginning to move in the midlands , with harvest start dates well adrift of last year 's .
5 By indulging in such policies , Professor Beer has contended , government was beginning to move in the direction of a managed economy .
6 Stiffness on beginning to move in the morning .
7 Her fingers began to move over the sheet of paper , but when she had finished drawing the circle of standing stones , she found she had also sketched in the figure of Julius .
8 She began to move through the house as she had done before , opening doors , now trying to force doors which would not open .
9 Since the machine began to move towards the water as soon as they were inside , changing in its damp , smelly and retracted confines was none too easy , despite the lure of their newly acquired bathing costumes .
10 He began to move towards the door .
11 He began to move towards the door .
12 Coleby grunted and began to move towards the door .
13 He began to move towards the end of the bar where Jacko Roberts was drinking alone .
14 He and a friend separated from the others and began to move towards the car .
15 He began to move to the door , but Anna took his arm .
16 She was delighted by the carefree lightness of her voice as hastily she began to move to the side of the bed , inwardly quaking but determined not to reveal by the merest movement her reservations to him about revealing her total nakedness by the growing light of day as it filtered through the perpendicular blinds .
17 Many thousands , both soldiers and civilians hopelessly intermingled , and including a large number of women and children , began to move down the road carrying with them all their personal belongings on horses , carts and cycles .
18 Their ambition increased by the movement , until all forty-one were in violent motion , so violent that the Bowl began to move across the table , and Oscar had to take a firm hold of it to keep it from turning over .
19 Scattered cheers answered him , big Mary gave a ‘ Heeuggh ! ’ like a dancer , and the whole throng began to move along the road westwards , past the dark silent façade of the inn , the equally silent church and manse , towards the gates of Castle Menzies .
20 As he watched , a supervisor carrying a big black bag began to move along the line of checkouts followed by a young assistant who was holding a large plastic container with a flap in the front like a letter box .
21 He began to move round the Lad , and Taliesin , who was watching closely , thought that Fael-Inis was creating an invisible circle .
22 But it is interesting that in the 1980s even some of those that did n't plant churches began to move in the direction of doing so .
23 Her feet began to move in the fleuret of a minuet .
24 It blew through the village , and then the trees began to move in the wind .
25 This had been defeated and the League began to move from the elaboration of policy to agitation .
26 October marked the moment at which power began to move from the hands of the mass movement , then at full tide , into the hands of an organization determined to exercise control from above .
27 No mean problem , this , in a time largely deafened to such sober music , and were it not for the incomparable examples of Spenser and Milton , he might finally have despaired ; but what they in their day had achieved for their grave themes ought ( he had long believed ) to be possible for the richer store of myth and symbol at his disposal ; and now the lines had begun to move with the majesty he desired .
28 Once NAB begins to move into the consideration of this area , it will have to co-ordinate its planning closely with that of the Advisory Committee on the Supply and Education of Teachers .
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