Example sentences of "begin [prep] [art] [adj] century " in BNC.

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1 Let us begin in the thirteenth century .
2 The hang is by the curator , Tomas Llorens , former artistic director of the Reina Sofía and a specialist in twentieth-century art , and is conventionally chronological , beginning with the thirteenth century on the top floor and working down to Cubism , Surrealism , Pop Art and Neo-Expressionism on the ground floor , with the earlier works , up to German Expressionism , outnumbering modern art by three to one .
3 Political uncertainty , after the Norse invasions which began in the ninth century , forced a need for protection for which services were given in exchange .
4 Occupation began in the second century , being represented by pebbled spreads associated with several poorly recorded timber buildings , one of which contained ovens and hearths .
5 Elton claims that the ‘ scientific , ordered , systematic study of history only really began in the 19th century ’ and he particularly mentions Namier and Maitland as two historians who ‘ brought a scientific and intellectual approach to the study of history ’ .
6 The process of commercialization and industrialization in the newspaper industry which began in the 19th century thus continued to have an important effect on newspapers in this century as newspaper costs escalated , as new methods were developed to tap new audiences , to reach new readers , and to increase sales .
7 It is historically untrue to say that religious decline in Europe began in the twentieth century : the majority of working people in the first one hundred years of industrialism were not regular churchgoers ( though the new middle classes were ) .
8 The latter , a uniquely interesting people distinct from all their neighbours both physically and culturally , were driven out of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin by the Russo-Japanese territorial conflicts which began in the nineteenth century .
9 Control of local authority borrowing began in the nineteenth century when central government was suspicious of the new local authorities and their potential to borrow money they could not repay .
10 Federal Boiotia probably began in the sixth century ( there are Boiotarchs at Hdt. ix .
11 Shaft mining began in the fifteenth century , and by the Industrial Revolution mining was being done on a large scale .
12 This system , known as devşirme , began in the fifteenth century and died out in the late seventeenth century .
13 European penetration of Sri Lanka began in the sixteenth century , when the Portuguese established control over some coastal areas .
14 Observatories go back many centuries , perhaps even to Stonehenge ; but modern observatories in the West began in the sixteenth century .
15 Though the massive reclamation of the eastern Fenlands began in the seventeenth century it was not entirely successful .
16 ‘ Every generation of the Gontaut-Biron family added something to it since it began in the twelfth century .
17 A great wave of Greek influence in Rome began in the mid-second century BC with the conquest of Greece , and lasted well into the first century , by which time it had become a well-established fashion for young men of well-to-do families to complete their education in Athens .
18 Modern linguistic genealogy began in the 18th century , with Sir William Jones 's comparative studies of Sanskrit , Greek and Latin , which revealed the Indo-European family of languages .
19 Modernity is a historical process that began in the eighteenth century with the philosophical Enlightenment .
20 The growth which began in the eighteenth century had made the population more youthful by 1801 ; the normal consequence of any decline in mortality and increase in fertility ( figure 2.8 ) .
21 The snobbish distinction between art and craft only began in the eighteenth century amongst collectors who felt it necessary to describe creativity according to their social or monetary values .
22 These factors include natural processes such as progressive leaching from the soil of base cations ; removal of forest and replacement by agricultural activities during the Iron Age ; regrowth of forest following abandonment of agricultural practices many centuries later ; and acid deposition , beginning in the nineteenth century .
23 The key common element is that both systems took seriously the possibility that , whatever students were studying ( for specialization had begun in the nineteenth century ) , higher education offered a general enlargement of the mind .
24 ‘ It was begun in the thirteenth century and there 's a famous inscription above the door . ’
25 The cathedral was begun in the eleventh century and completed in the thirteenth .
26 The cathedral , which was begun in the eleventh century , shows clearly its Moorish influence throughout in its zebra striped patterns , lozenge and diamond inlay and cusped arches .
27 The present building was begun in the mid-eleventh century and incorporates an earlier one which was partly destroyed by fire in 976 .
28 A Gothic choir was begun in the fourteenth century to a design similar to the contemporary one at Augsburg Cathedral , but was not completed till 1513 for lack of funds .
29 But the enormous changes in the social life and industrial occupations of the vast majority of our people , changes begun in the sixteenth century and greatly accentuated by the so-called Industrial Revolution , have created a gulf between the world of poetry and that world of everyday life from which we receive our " habitual impressions " .
30 The earliest is Scarborough , begun in the seventeenth century ; the most famous , with its magnificent squares and ubiquitous terraces , is Brighton , begun soon after 1750 .
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