Example sentences of "hold office [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That is , the use of the royal prerogative as the legal backing for the management of the public service , the principle that a civil servant is a servant of the Crown and holds office at the pleasure of the Crown is one of the best known principles of constitutional law , hallowed by usage and sanctioned by the courts .
2 The judges extrapolated it from the fact that constables hold office under the Crown and are sworn to keep the peace .
3 But it 's not a question of holding office for the sake of holding office .
4 Holding office in the Association was an important indicator of status in the scientific community by this time .
5 My predecessor , who played the double-bass , had been appointed in 1935 , and I was only the third headmaster to hold office since the death of Queen Victoria .
6 The wardens of a number of royal forests — including Windsor , Clarendon , Feckenham , Galtres , the Forest of Dean and the Forest of the Peak in Derbyshire — were appointed by royal letters patent , usually to hold office during the king 's pleasure , but sometimes for a term of years , and exceptionally , as a special mark of royal favour , for life .
7 To reappoint Ernst & Young auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next general meeting of the Company before which accounts are laid .
8 Other servants of the prince who continued to hold office in the earldom were his steward of the household , Sir William Stanley , and Robert Roo , his gentleman of the pantry .
9 Other servants of the prince who continued to hold office in the earldom were his steward of the household , Sir William Stanley , and Robert Roo , his gentleman of the pantry .
10 They too are appointed by the Crown to hold office in the department , they have the same advice and assistance from departmental officials as the Secretary of State would have , and they too are answerable to Parliament .
11 I therefore propose that Coopers and Lybrand be and are hereby appointed auditors to the company , to hold office from the conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the next meeting er , of the company at which accounts are laid for the company in accordance with section two four one Companies Act Nineteen Eighty Five and that their remuneration for this period be fixed by the directors .
12 ( 10 ) Any casual vacancy arising in a licensing board from death , resignation , disqualification or other cause may be filled by the election of a duly qualified person at the first meeting of the appointing council following upon the vacancy , and members so elected shall hold office until the date of the next meeting for election to the board .
13 But the Forest wardens in many cases held office during the king 's pleasure and for relatively short periods : many were important and busy persons who performed many of their Forest duties by deputies .
14 There are a few apparently local men in the ducal retinue , such as the Richard ap Robert ap Ivan Vaughan who was rewarded as a ducal servant in 1478 and who may be the Richard Vaughan who held office on the duke 's Buckinghamshire estates .
15 There are a few apparently local men in the ducal retinue , such as the Richard ap Robert ap Ivan Vaughan who was rewarded as a ducal servant in 1478 and who may be the Richard Vaughan who held office on the duke 's Buckinghamshire estates .
16 He was a keen supporter of the BDDA and before being elected Chairman had held office on the executive since 1951 and as Vice-chairman since 1960 .
17 Morgan came from a family of professional administrators who took their regional colouring from the location of their service , but the family came originally from Wales and one of Morgan 's uncles , Owain ap Cadwgan , still held office in the lordship which gave the Anglicized members of the family their surname .
18 Morgan came from a family of professional administrators who took their regional colouring from the location of their service , but the family came originally from Wales and one of Morgan 's uncles , Owain ap Cadwgan , still held office in the lordship which gave the Anglicized members of the family their surname .
19 The poet Vodnik , once a Franciscan friar , even held office in the administration of the Illyrian Provinces in Carinthia between 1809 and 1813 .
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