Example sentences of "hold [adj] talks [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 December 1987 Hun Sen and Sihanouk hold face-to-face talks for the first time [ see pp. 35967-68 ] .
2 The Financial Times of Sept. 10 reported that the US-based oil and gas group Mobil was holding preliminary talks with the state-run PetroVietnam on exploration possibilities in the South China Sea , but would not be able to proceed unless and until the US trade embargo against Vietnam was lifted .
3 The Foreign Ministers also agreed to hold future talks on the status of Japan 's Korean population which would address other areas of discrimination and would consider the possible enfranchisement of Korean residents .
4 Dismissive of the ‘ corridor opportunites ’ , he fails to mention that , so far , the Foreign Secretaries of the UK and Argentina have had their first meeting since the 1982 Falklands War , that the Israeli and Soviet Foreign Ministers have got together as has the US Secretary of State with his Israeli and Egyptian counterparts , or that the two German Foreign Ministers have held extensive talks on the current crisis — all with apparently good results : quite useful when several of these countries have no diplomatic relations with each other .
5 There 's new hopes for the stalled Middle East peace process as the Palestine Liberation Organization confirms it 's held direct talks with the Israeli government .
6 While in Moscow Bush also addressed a meeting of the Moscow State Institute for International Relations and held separate talks with the President of the Russian Federation , Boris Yeltsin and the Kazakh President , Nursultan Nazarbayev .
7 Shevardnadze met the West German Foreign Minister , Hans-Dietrich Genscher , in the Soviet town of Brest on June 11 , when the two sides held closed talks on the unification issue .
8 I held useful talks with the three Presidents Nazarbaev , Kravchuk and Yeltsin as well as with Ministers of their Governments .
9 On May 4 monetary officials from Japan , Australia , Hong Kong and Singapore held informal talks on the sidelines of the ADB meeting in Hong Kong .
10 Delegations from Israel , Syria and Lebanon , and a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation , met around a single conference table in the Royal Palace , Madrid , on Oct. 30 , 31 and Nov. 1 , and held bilateral talks in the Palacio de Parcente on Nov. 3 .
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