Example sentences of "while it [is] recognise [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The view is also expressed that personal care and welfare aspects can not be divorced from financial and property matters , while it is recognised that proper safeguards are vital .
2 While it is recognised that each school may put a differing stress on the varying components in a formula system to match the school 's own needs and educational philosophy , the following points seem central to developing a successful formula distribution scheme :
3 While it is recognised that such powers may be necessary in that they lead to a number of arrests , it must also be noted that random and discriminatory stops may be counter-productive as they may have a detrimental effect on relations between police and public .
4 While it is recognised that the professor will probably wish to give lectures and classes in areas connected with his or her own field of research , he or she will be expected to cover a somewhat wider range of topics , as required by undergraduate and graduate courses in Roman Archaeology .
5 5.8.2 Immediately to repair cleanse maintain and paint the Premises as required by such notice [ 5.8.3 If within [ one month ] of the service of such a notice the Tenant shall not have commenced and be proceeding diligently with the execution of the work referred to in the notice or shall fail to complete the work within [ 2 ] months [ or if in the Landlord 's [ Surveyor 's ] [ reasonable ] opinion the Tenant is unlikely to have completed the work within such period ] to permit the Landlord to enter the Premises to execute such work as may be necessary to comply with the notice and to pay to the Landlord the cost of so doing and all expenses incurred by the Landlord ( including legal costs and Surveyor 's fees ) within [ 14 ] days of a written demand ] While it is recognised that the landlord should have the right to enter the premises from time to time to ensure that the tenant 's covenants have been complied with , this clause could cause severe disruption to the tenant 's business and should be amended accordingly .
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