Example sentences of "most likely [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , if outside agencies — such as courts or social workers decide that socialization has in some way been inadequate , it is to the family that they are most likely to turn in the allocation of blame or responsibility .
2 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder .
3 Kestrels are popular with audiences at lectures , because they 're elegant little birds and also because , of all the British birds of prey , they 're the ones people are most likely to spot in the wild : they hover over motorways and are even seen in towns these days .
4 The adverse circumstances appeared to be part of a chain of events : girls experiencing early disrupted parenting before being admitted into care were most likely to return from the institution to a discordant home .
5 The report states that those who have lived on state pensions , income support or low pay , are most likely to live in the most energy-inefficient homes which are incapable of being heated to a minimum comfort standard .
6 Bakunin was perhaps not entirely wrong in supposing that in such a time the spirit of at least potential insurrection was most likely to smoulder among the marginal and sub-proletariat , though he was quite mistaken in believing that they would be the base of revolutionary movements .
7 terms of what is most likely to happen on the basis of the information available .
8 All accepted entries will be examined and the judges will award the first prize to the entrant they consider has shown the greatest skill and judgement in placing the eight letters in the order most likely to appeal to a typical IDEAL HOME reader .
9 These activities are most likely to appeal to the more methodical student wishing to follow a clear procedure .
10 He agreed to preside over a public meeting of the inhabitants of Dundee to be held on 10 November 1819 to protest against ‘ the unprovoked , cruel and cowardly attack made on the people of Manchester ’ and ‘ to suggest the means most likely to lead to a reform of abuses ’ .
11 But it may yield an agreement to establish a constitutional framework most likely to lead to the pursuit of well-founded ideals , given the information available at any given time .
12 Erm which of these outfits are you most likely to wear on a trip to the , the local shops ?
13 In 1991 , VSA was most likely to occur in a public place ( 42% ) or at home ( 39% ) .
14 In warmer climates , where conditions are often unsuitable for larval survival , the carrier animal is probably a more important source of pasture contamination and outbreaks of disease in lambs and kids are most likely to occur after a period of prolonged rain around the time of weaning .
15 This approach is most likely to apply to the more complex issues of quality control , and to the improvement of processes , where machine functioning and location , materials used and other factors need to be seen in context , if changes are to be made in the process .
16 The amateur collector is most likely to come across the cycad foliage , with its characteristic narrow central rib and flat leaflets .
17 They were most likely to come from the 35–44 or 55–64 age group .
18 If this is the case , the ones most likely to buckle under the heat of the pressure will be those Christians who lack personal conviction .
19 Although modern haymaking involves expensive , sophisticated machinery , it is still possible for a smallholder to make and store excellent hay with very modest tackle , and it is hay on which he is most likely to depend for the bulk of his winter keep .
20 L7 LOOK like the women most likely to break into the big-time mainstream rock market , pushed along by constant comparisons to big male guns like Metallica and Nirvana .
21 Fife College has been seen as one of the further education colleges most likely to break through the barrier which separates the sector from higher education , and there have been suggestions that it could become Fife 's second university , after St Andrews .
22 Moreover , credit cost as a factor in buying choice — dwarfed as it is by convenience — is in practice most likely to focus on the amount of each instalment payment .
23 It is the place where the new recruit is most likely to learn about the ‘ typical ’ and ‘ difficult ’ kinds of cases .
24 Kansas , North Dakota , Minnesota and Montana were the states most likely to benefit from the legislation .
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