Example sentences of "provide a major [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The sale to the public of 50 per cent of British Telecom ( BT ) in December 1984 was , at the time , the largest privatisation issue and it provided a major spur to the whole programme .
2 Cheap energy provided a major stimulus to economic development in Western Europe and Japan .
3 This study will examine the extent to which this capital-goods sector provided a major stimulus to invention and innovation in the century after 1780 .
4 The OPEC petro-dollar surplus provided a major boost to the euro-dollar market 's growth in the 1970s .
5 This clearly provided a major incentive to the other two districts to achieve the development of new services .
6 Revisionists have therefore questioned the notion that the commune in itself had been a major barrier to improvement or labour mobility and , equally , the notion that dismantling the commune would in itself provide a major stimulus to agricultural development .
7 However , although rivers and estuaries helped to form these beaches , they also provide a major threat to those who windsurf from them .
8 Even if FMS does not prove to be the critical target gene , characterisation of the microdeletions should considerably reduce the critical deleted region and provide a major step to identifying the real target gene .
9 The study should provide a major contribution to our knowledge of the English Police .
10 Ken Murray , chairman of Aberdeen Enterprise Trust and of the fund , said yesterday that Mr Salvesen 's substantial personal commitment would provide a major boost to small and medium-sized businesses in the area .
11 The railway linked up manufacturing areas with raw material sources and centres of distribution and consumption , providing a major stimulus to further growth in coalfields like the Ruhr in Germany , the Pas-de-Calais in France , and those in Central Spain , in the iron ore works of South Wales , and in the new industrial centres of the developing European economies , like the Ukraine in Russia and the upper Po valley in Italy .
12 In reviewing their general economic policies and prospects , the finance ministers noted that economic growth had slowed down to more sustainable levels in several countries ; overall growth prospects remained good , with strong investment providing a major stimulus to their economies ; inflation remained contained but still required vigilance , and external imbalances had been reduced , albeit unevenly .
13 Such a bank provides a major service to other participants by giving the market depth , continuity and ability to handle customers ' requirements .
14 The wide disparity that has emerged between house prices in different regions provides a major obstacle to geographical mobility of labour .
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