Example sentences of "want to see the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't you want to see the new designs ? ’
2 He said his was perhaps an ‘ old-fashioned ’ view — that he did not want to see the entire world addicted to drugs , like the synthetic existence described in Brave New World — but it was an enormous leap , he thought , from ‘ smoking a little grass to that grim picture ’ .
3 WBC holder Hodkinson wants a £250,000 purse but Warren , who is McMillan 's promoter , said : ‘ I do n't want to see the big contests slip away because the fighters are too greedy .
4 ‘ Do you want to see the main bedroom again ? ’
5 Naturally even he will want to see the maximum level of coverage achieved , but the method is not mass mailings but the sort of activity outlined in Chapter 10 .
6 Anyway , the point is this that I am going to say as far as I 'm concerned I 'm gon na put all my maximum ability in making sure that this government stands by its obligation which it gave me when I wrote to the Prime Minister because I was very very concerned that I did not want to see the old people and pensioners who was having difficulty in making ends meet , suffer further and therefore I am with you when it comes to concerning yourself in relation to the O A P's or the pensioners or any one who is suffering because of the s seventeen and o half percent , the maximum is put on .
7 One of the things that those of us who were involved in local government campaigns were trying to do was to achieve some measure of redistribution in favour of all those lesbians and gays who do not belong to the charmed circles of The Swimming Pool Library — people who have no private income ; people who depend on their jobs and would welcome job security ; people who want council tenancies free of harassment , with friends and lovers of their choice ; people who want to meet others at venues which have disabled access , which are not commercially exploitative and which are run for the benefit of the community ; people who want to display affection or consensual desire publicly without fear of violence or arrest ; people who want to bring up children without intimidation from the courts or social workers ; people who have survived the indoctrination of the education system but do not want to see the next generation of lesbians and gays subjected to the same process ; people who wanted themselves and their lifestyles to be treated with respect by the health services .
8 ‘ It is a particular shame for Neil because there were far worse things going on in the game but some people only want to see the dark side of him .
9 well we 've erm we 've erm we 've been rather tempted by the west coast er I personally want to see the Grand Canyon and erm I 'd like to see San Francisco so the package which is being offered to the Boots Association with whom we 've been away several times and we lo we like it as , as a , as a background because you 've got a rough idea , you know , the people you 're going with
10 " We want to see the Chief Rabbit , " said Hazel .
11 Some " birds " nests are hemispherical , but only on the inside ; you must cut a honeycomb with a sharp knife if you want to see the accurate hexagons of its construction ; the geometry of spiders ' webs is astonishing but much less regular than it at first appears .
12 Leading the first contingent will be Japan and Norway , which want to see the current moratorium on commercial whaling lifted .
13 John Evans says : ‘ We 're very concerned about these abuses and we want to see the 1987 Consumer Protection Act stiffened .
14 I want to see the right kind of deal for electricity consumers in Northern Ireland .
15 Novels are much more difficult to place and from a new writer , publishers normally want to see the whole book .
16 On a visit to the United States on May 19-21 Kohl , accompanied by Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher , assured his hosts that his government did " not want to see the long-standing Atlantic alliance in any way weakened , still less replaced by a European structure " .
17 ‘ The only way we can know that people want to see the Fun Factory becoming a success is if they vote with their feet and come to a meeting to show their support . ’
18 One drawback of the Masters for married men , who want to see the last putt in , is that it requires them to creep to bed as if they were returning from a night club .
19 I want to see the National Health Service properly financed ’ .
20 Thus we want to see the representational role of the newly juxtaposed elements as recognisably preserved within , and thereby helping to determine the new representational role of , the new signal in which they occur .
21 We want to see the British standard on vehicle security adopted as a compulsory European Community directive .
22 CPRW wants to see the new generation of structure and local plans conforming to government advice on sustainable development ( 1 ) .
23 She wants to see the other guy 's thing .
24 So we thought , first the Caribbean for a couple of weeks , then , later in the year , your mother quite wants to see the Great Wall of China before she 's too old .
25 The Director of Swaziland 's Curriculum Research and Development Unit at Manzini must motor miles to Mbabane if he wants to see the Chief Education Officer .
26 Richards , who has just completed his first year as the Welsh Rugby Union development officer for Mid-Wales , wants to see the representative side going from strength to strength .
27 in the process of revision one wants to see the semantic net and see the linear form repeatedly .
28 In certain running-down cases , however , a defendant should be asked to make discovery ( eg latent defect cases , where the plaintiff may want to see all his maintenance and servicing records ; accidents alleged to have been caused by sudden and unexpected illness or death , where the plaintiff wants to see the medical records ; and of course claims in nuisance against highway authorities and their contractors , where discovery can often reveal breaches of prescribed safety codes and bad accident records ) .
29 Lying in bed , looking at the stiff poses in the pictures , I began to want to see the living reality — and the only reality to begin with for me was the singing that I heard through my sickroom window .
30 Massage parlour receptionist Monthira Boonsri , 18 , was grabbed in Bangkok by the demented man , who insisted he wanted to see the prime minister of Thailand .
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