Example sentences of "find guilty [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Schoop was , however , found guilty on the same charges because she gave further details to Hans Kopp when he telephoned her later the same day at his wife 's suggestion .
2 The Majlis on Oct. 31 approved a draft bill authorizing the Iranian President to take measures for the arrest and punishment anywhere in the world of US citizens found guilty by the Iranian judiciary of anti-Iran terrorist activity .
3 Almost three years later , Mr Reed , one of the four defendants found guilty in the Blue Arrow case only to have their convictions quashed later on appeal , feels his name is finally cleared , legally at least .
4 The man , from Harlesden , north London , was found guilty at the Old Bailey of eight specimen charges of rape .
5 A SALES manager was found guilty at the Old Bailey of drugging his former girlfriend , imprisoning her in a hotel room , and twice raping her .
6 … the recent prosecution of three ex-Constables for grave offences of shopbreaking and garage-breaking of which they were found guilty at the last Assizes and sentenced to long-term imprisonment .
7 Ali Shoukeir has been found guilty of the involuntary manslaughter of
8 The author of the book Trio ] and Error ( Hamish Hamilton , £10.95 ) which puts the case for those found guilty of the Guildford-related offences is Mr Robert Kee , who might be described as an old-fashioned television-documentary liberal .
9 Three were also found guilty of the 1989 murder of William " the Wild Guy " Grasso , the leader of the Connecticut branch of the Patriarca family .
10 Torrel James , 28 , a policeman in Port-of-Spain and a former Trinidad & Tobago Youth representative opening bowler , has been jailed for 15 years and received 20 lashes with the birch after being found guilty of the attempted murder of his girlfriend and her father in 1989 .
11 ‘ Horatio Pugwash , you and your ruffianly companions having been found guilty of the abominable crime of smuggling , I sentence you to be taken from here to the Baddie 's Tower , and at dawn to Gallows Marsh , and there hanged by the neck .
12 Dr Jones , of Coggeshall , was found guilty by the General Medical Council last month , which heard that he failed to detect a serious case of appendicitis , prescribing instead indigestion and ulcer tablets .
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