Example sentences of "find themselves [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Soviet allies sometimes found themselves opposed to each other ( such as the Ba'athist governments of Syria and Iraq , or Ethiopia and Somalia ) , and others entered into agreements with Soviet adversaries ( both Angola and Mozambique , for instance , signed non-aggression agreements with South Africa in 1984 , and Soviet clients generally found it difficult to resist the powerful influence of Western governments and corporations , or in the case of Ethiopia , relief agencies ) .
2 Not all sub-tenants found themselves incorporated into such an idealistic new system .
3 Koreans who had formerly looked to Japan for help against a conservative , autocratic government and for encouragement to ‘ modernize ’ now found themselves subordinated to those self same Japanese , deprived of an independent voice .
4 ( d ) Offices and employments As a matter of prudence , agreement should be reached at an early stage in the life of any firm whose partners , or some of them , are likely to find themselves appointed to some professional or public office as to : ( 1 ) whether remuneration from such offices should in principle be accounted for as part of the profits of the firm ( Clause 10.06 ) ; and ( 2 ) the amount of time any partner should be permitted to devote to such activities ( before his profit share suffers some downward adjustment ) .
5 And not content with berating Strauss he must move on to Hofmannsthal-bashing — an all too familiar exercise by those who read no German and are unable to find themselves moved by this sensitive poet 's imaginings .
6 So essentially antagonistic class interests sharing the same region find themselves allying with each other in their mutual self-interests .
7 The opera 's subtitle is ‘ The School for Loves ’ ; and during the course of this dangerous experiment in human emotions , in which the two sisters unwittingly find themselves seduced by each other 's lover , all four central protagonists learn something about themselves .
8 On this showing , people who avowedly hate his novels may find themselves hooked to this series .
9 But neither of these is fully regulated which means that teachers may perhaps find themselves working for less than fully professional organisations .
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