Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] [prep] [art] position " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After the success of ‘ Colour Of Spring ’ we found ourselves in the position we 'd always dreamed of , ’ explains Mark Hollis , the main force behind Talk Talk .
2 How bitter must he be to find himself in the position in which he was now ?
3 Haslam soon found himself in a position of having to make entrepreneurial decisions of staggering proportions .
4 So Ray then found himself in the position of spending a good many of his working hours enforcing a law which he was breaking himself and increasingly afraid of being arrested by one of his mates .
5 Macarthy , the defence lawyer , found himself in the position of trying to defend the indefensible and justify the unjustifiable .
6 But NoS was more like a racing power-boat , and Horsley soon found himself in the position of a water-skier rather than a captain .
7 Once again the country which complained most about the policy was Britain , which found itself in the position of being a ‘ net contributor ’ to the EC after 1973 , paying far more into the EC than it received back .
8 I would not wish the Council to find itself in a position in which it felt obliged to oppose the franchising arrangements as a result of your published views as to future developments which might emerge from the franchising scheme . ’
9 We do therefore need to consult with the health authority if we find ourselves in a position where we think we 're no longer going to be able to achieve those targets .
10 Unable to hold the stage in any other way he set out to organise a ‘ popular demand ’ for immediate independence without trusteeship , and having succeeded beyond his expectations now finds himself in the position of having to deliver the goods or recede from the front of the political stage and lose all hope of fulfilling his personal ambitions .
11 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
12 In a case of the class I have been considering , the creditor will often , I think , find itself in a position of having to explain the security transaction to the proposed surety if an unimpeachable security is to be obtained .
13 If McAlpine finds itself in a position to proceed to Stage II of the IDO registration procedure , i.e. the drawing up and presentation of a Plan of Operations , the Consortium will have to consider the following :
14 In this reading of things , each bureaucracy has become adept at marking out turf and advancing its own interests , whilst the Party-State leadership finds itself in the position of ‘ broker ’ between contending interests and ‘ constituencies ’ .
15 It is not quite the status of an accredited representative , but at least the door will not be shut in the face of any State which finds itself in the position that we and the Germans did in the early 1970s .
16 My hon. Friend would then understandably say , ’ How does it come about , then , that North Devon health authority finds itself in the position that it does on this referral ? ’
17 Even though the arrangements made by London had gone wrong , she had still found herself in a position to fight the Nazis .
18 I find myself in the position of the dart player who one day discovers he is unable to let go of the dart !
19 If you find yourself in the position of having to land the model some distance away ( which you will ) , here again they will be of great help .
20 The ad says that ‘ many emigres have found themselves in a position to assist the FBI in its counterintelligence mission ’ .
21 A great deal of very useful research can be carried out wholly from documentary sources of one kind or another , but often social researchers find themselves in a position where they want to investigate social behaviour on which there is very little published research or perhaps what research has been published is not relevant enough to their own particular areas of interest .
22 A trainee who feels that their training course is inadequate has often no option but to continue on the training course or find themselves in a position of having their benefits cut .
23 Ninety percent of them said yes , that it depends on how you present the figures , so in actual fact I wonder how our tenant farmers all of a sudden find themselves in a position that they perhaps would rather sign a petition and not put their heads above the parapet bearing in mind you are in a community , bear in mind you are connected , bear in mind that your livelihood is with those others and I have to say it is true that a certain business in my area connected with farming has been threatened .
24 But until they get any money back , the Tysons find themselves in the position of the gambler who gambled all and lost .
25 Bachelard assumed the necessary division of the scientific from the non-scientific , even if de facto he was continually encountering their imbrication and finding himself in the position of trying to keep them apart .
26 CAB advisers are accustomed to finding themselves in the position of mediators , and although they usually sit comfortably in this role , many dislike the role of mediator between client , Department of Social Security and charity foundations that has been thrust upon them .
27 Advisers are therefore more often finding themselves in the position of having to tell the client that they can not help in any material way .
28 As with all the stages so far discussed , during the process of learning to fly aerobatics the model will be put into many very unfamiliar positions and attitudes , so it is essential that your flying capabilities are such that you are not still finding yourself in a position where you are disorientated .
29 Your client who is having to pay for the action would otherwise find himself in the position of being the loser financially despite an order on liability .
30 The principle which underlay the concept of Jubilee , ( that all land alienated during the preceding fifty years was to be returned to its original owner or his descendants ) was that each family should not find itself in a position in which it was permanently barred from owning land , the vital productive asset in that economy .
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