Example sentences of "find [pron] [adv] easy [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I found them very easy to use — you simply twist the grips on the handlebars and the indexed gears click into place .
2 People seem to find it relatively easy to understand the term/patent' , but have difficulty with ‘ copyright ’ .
3 Not all shipowners found it equally easy to collect non-union crews , while the requirements of the merchant service and differences between the trade undertaken by various shipowners led to variations in willingness or pressing need to resist union demands and to sink their differences against what they regarded as unwarranted union attacks upon their commercial interests .
4 Not thinking much of Fife 's soldierly abilities , and judging him in need of a lesson for his crowning of the usurper , he and Keith had attacked Perth town , and found it surprisingly easy to take .
5 Keitel , according to his report , found it amazingly easy to recruit both of them .
6 The wide , airy nature of the streets here give the city a marvellously spacious feel , so that I found it most easy to spend some hours just strolling in the gently warm sunshine .
7 It is Liszt who nevertheless looms largest in the anthology , and in whose music I found it most easy to understand Crimp 's belief in Levitzki as ‘ one of this century 's master pianists ’ .
8 But beneath it she understood , accepted , found it far easier to hate him , when he fought her back to the bed , than to ignore him ; the bitings and scratchings of anger coming near enough to passion so that when he entered her again she found it possible , in her loathing , her detestation , her bitter resentment , to wrap her own strong , hard limbs about him in a grip designed to wound and crush him but which could also excite .
9 She could not refuse and indeed found it quite easy to accept .
10 She suddenly found it much easier to breathe .
11 It 's interesting that gay men on Switchboard found it much easier to accept that they did n't automatically know best for lesbians than white people on Switchboard find it to accept that they might not know best for Black people .
12 In 1860 the great international conference at Karlsruhe , the first chemical affair of its kind , voted that equivalents were more empirical than atomic weights ; but ordinary mortals found it much easier to think in terms of particles , and to call them ‘ atoms ’ , even though they might well be complex .
13 Those on shift work generally found it fairly easy to change with a friend , provided sufficient warning was available .
14 While the single-centre institutions found it somewhat easier to adopt the mantle of RMC , inevitably some of the multi-centre RMCs found their development delayed by management problems , especially where they were composed of a number of colleges which had to negotiate a series of complex mergers before they could start .
15 In fact subjects generally found it relatively easy to understand the rating required and found no difficulty in using it thus the general conclusion from this study is that drivers do report fluctuating levels of subjective risk .
16 I found it very easy to go into the science sixth and nobody suggested that it was n't a ladylike thing to do .
17 Despite the somewhat vinegary aftertaste we found it very easy to drink .
18 My mother was very kind — she was very fond of music , of Wagner in particular — but I do n't think our parents found it very easy to understand my brother and myself , especially as we had our own private language which no one could work out .
19 The fact that he found it less easy to talk about such things to a young girl did not mean he was less impassioned than she was .
20 I do n't think he finds himself any easier to live with than the rest of us .
21 The mind finds it much easier to work upon something than to cast around in a search .
22 For some years Amnesty International has gazed with envy at those charities and voluntary organizations that have found it relatively easy to attract donations and sponsorship of events from companies .
23 Twenty-five percent of the respondents would have found it very easy to attend , 61% would have found it fairly easy , while only 14% would have found it difficult to attend .
24 He had grown up with the impression that women 's motives were suspect , and so when Tom Rooney had given him advice he had found it so easy to believe , because it was what — subconsciously — he expected .
25 The United Nations has found it much easier to undertake a peacekeeping role since the end of the cold war because its efforts are no longer frustrated by the clash between the super-powers .
26 Since I repotted it this spring into a generous-sized pot , it has not only burgeoned but I 've also found it much easier to keep the compost just nicely moist .
27 Initially pupils often find it far easier to compare a past picture and a present picture than to compare two pictures from different periods of the past .
28 Humans find it relatively easy to read sentences such as packmybagswithfivedozenextraliquorjugs and will generally use orthographic and syntactic information to do this , finding the word boundaries subconsciously .
29 As I knit the swatch , a ladder is created where the needles are out of work and I find it very easy to measure between the two ladders with my green ruler when the swatch is completed .
30 Schools find it quite easy to adapt to this kind of grouping where they are dealing with ‘ marginal ’ subjects like music theory .
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