Example sentences of "must make a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The job must make a worthwhile contribution to corporate or work objectives .
2 We 'll all help you but you must make a real effort too .
3 And I must make a real effort to find one of these machines that 's working .
4 And I must make a real effort to find one of these machines that 's working .
5 In another analogy , our mind can be thought of as a huge tapestry in which the many episodes of life were originally isolated and there was no relationship between the parts ; but at last we must make a unified scene of our whole life .
6 But sometimes there are no such identifiers and the student must make a personal judgement depending on the document being analysed .
7 Each researcher must make a personal choice , in the multiplicity of circumstances which now exist .
8 Scion and rootstock must make a perfect fit
9 Mrs Corney , of course , did not notice this , but when the beadle 's arm began to slide around her waist , she felt she must make a small protest .
10 Yet he must make a tentative judgment on inadequate evidence , for such a matter is of fundamental importance .
11 to go to the other extreme and over-indulge you must make a concerted effort to curb this .
12 In the absence of such continuous assessment , officially applied , you must make a serious attempt to produce the short-term aims within your own thinking .
13 We must make a joint appeal , unifying the interests of those whose support we seek .
14 but I must make a historical excursion here to establish the background to this absolutely fundamental question .
15 I think she must make a permanent hotel , we 're there , she 's there
16 The doctor responsible for the treatment must make a written report to the supervisor if he is unwilling to continue with the treatment or he forms the view that : ( i ) it should continue beyond the period specified in the order ; ( ii ) the child needs different treatment ; ( iii ) he is not susceptible to treatment ; or ( iv ) he does not require further treatment .
17 Well then tomorrow I must make a little list , see cos I want to finish that baby 's jumper
18 But to answer it , I must make a considerable digression , to say something about how we get such beliefs by observation .
19 Where there are no established rules to guide decision we must make a direct judgement as to what will have the best consequences , concentrating on the more immediate and those we are personally most motivated to promote , as the remote future is highly unpredictable and we are unlikely to do much to promote what is not personally inviting .
20 A tribunal must make a compensatory award if it has made a basic award .
21 Organization must be appropriate , and must make a positive contribution to the problems whose identification called it into being .
22 Whatever the job is , however humble or high-powered , you must make a positive effort to listen to the interviewer and answer the questions he or she actually puts to you .
23 " We must make a determined effort to win the rank and file of the ILP. " he wrote , " at the same time to avoid creating the impression that there are no fundamental differences between our Party and the ILP " .
24 ‘ Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind must make a clean breast of it . ’
25 Before entering it , a student must make a formal bow at the doorway as a mark of respect .
26 In the procedures required to fulfil the special educational needs of visually handicapped pupils , as with any pupils with special needs , the local education authority must make a formal assessment culminating in a statement of the child 's individual special needs .
27 These data are of interest not only because of the support they provide for the cohort model , but also because of a more general point they make about cognition , namely , that we must make a clear distinction between the sequence of processing stages and the accessibility of these stages for consciousness , or for the control of responses .
28 As we listen to these phrases that rolled so easily off the tongue , and which have also rolled on down through history to our own time , we must make a special effort to remember very carefully just who the men were who engineered the Garotter 's Act — what kind of men they were ; what kind of times they lived in ; and what forces helped to shape their upright moral certitude .
29 However , the Directive does not apply to holdings in open-ended investment companies or other collective investment undertakings ; nor does it apply to holdings in companies incorporated outside the EC , although such companies which are listed on a stock exchange in a member state must make a public announcement of changes in major holdings of which they become aware ( even though there is no actual notification requirement ) .
30 The EC-listed company must make a public announcement about the acquisition or disposal in all member states where its shares are listed within ten calendar days , although member states can require disclosure to be made by the competent authority rather than the EC-listed company itself .
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