Example sentences of "must surely [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You have a very positive standing , my dear young lady , ’ said Mr Stanforth patiently , and perhaps a little patronisingly , too , for this was where money entered into the reckoning , and very young concert artists and music teachers with a living to make must surely react to the alluring image .
2 So we must surely deduce from the following that those Pressmen on the panel were voting about something they had never actually experienced !
3 However , the fact that disease incidence continues to rise must surely attest to the inadequacy of such drugs to cope with it .
4 First , take the point made by Mr. Holloway from Germany , who says that South Africa ( they should have been granted a dispensation and welcomed to World Cup 1991 ) must surely go through the full qualifying process for 1995 .
5 If ruthlessly destroying a hundred years of tradition , not to mention a massive loss of capital , is ‘ pioneering ’ , than it must surely rank with the pioneering attempts of Stalin in purging Soviet libraries of all books that departed from his orthodoxy .
6 LEEDS UNIVERSITY must surely rank at the worst venue in Europe .
7 LEEDS UNIVERSITY must surely rank at the worst venue in Europe .
8 If to that we add both the structured dependency which was earlier described , in which social policies and practices discriminate against them in matters crucial to their well-being ( such as housing , income and transport ) , and the personal indignities of physical and social dependence , we must surely put at the top of our agenda for care a determination to assess realistically , yet sensitively , what is the best balance that can be achieved in the present circumstances of that old person .
9 APPROACHING SOME of the more forbidding coasts of Scotland in a modern vessel , one must surely marvel at the temerity of those prehistoric voyagers who crossed the sea in flimsy boats and refused to be deterred by lowering cliffs or storm-lashed , perilous rocks .
10 This does no more than emphasise that these rooms are ready to accept the lower valued articles , and as such must surely appeal to the ordinary collector .
11 They would assume , as I had until this last holiday , that Margaret was a widow from lack of opportunity , not choice , and must surely jump at the prospect of Red as a husband .
12 To be the best you must surely play against the best .
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