Example sentences of "must be refer to the " in BNC.

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1 Since the distinction between the two subclasses is immediately obvious , the adult 's question must be referring to the relative numbers of roses and daffodils .
2 Where a woman fails to perform her expected role properly the GP tends to see her ‘ either in terms of the conventional models of their own social background ( she must adjust to her situation ) , or in terms of individual personal inadequacy ( that she must be referred to the psychiatrist ) ’ ( Barrett and Roberts , 1978 , p. 46 ) .
3 If there is a ‘ persistent failure ’ of a child to comply with directions the case must be referred to the local authority social services department for investigation of the circumstances .
4 Unfortunately , anyone phoning who wants to buy shiny tights with the word ‘ climb ’ on them must be referred to The Samaritans .
5 If the complainant remains unhappy about the conclusion , the file must be referred to the Investigation Committee , since in these circumstances only they can conclude the investigation .
6 Once a field reaches STOP all further proposed offers must be referred to the Co-ordinator but in practice it is difficult to avoid overshoots in the more popular fields in the spring .
7 In the case of the " upper " transistors ( and ) the base drive must be referred to the positive supply rail , which may be at a variable potential .
8 Annex 1 environmental impact assessments must be referred to the appropriate regulatory agency , such as the National Rivers Authority should it deal with water quality or , especially in this case , the local environmental health office of the city council in respect of water use .
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