Example sentences of "must [be] [verb] [prep] account " in BNC.

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1 All these difficulties must be taken into account when we interpret the results of tests of mental performance .
2 These feelings must be taken into account if the common interests of both the producer and the consumer are not to be seen as being in conflict .
3 The needs for cheap and convenient transport to the nearest town for the ‘ diversified employment family ’ , for example , must be taken into account .
4 There are many factors that must be taken into account , and it is often the use of different survey methodology that can cause politicians and others to disagree over particular surveys that claim to show growing poverty or increased prosperity .
5 However , other risk factors must be taken into account — those that you can not change , such as your age , your sex and any family history of premature heart disease — and those you can change , such as smoking , high blood pressure and an inactive lifestyle .
6 Many factors must be taken into account when choosing the most suitable enterprise for a smallholding ; some fixed , others variable and within the influence of the farmer .
7 Finally , Bobo notes that the recent popularity of Black women 's writing is one of those extra-discursive factors which must be taken into account when looking at cultural practices such as The Color Purple .
8 On this view the interests of everyone affected by what we do must be taken into account , and equal interests must be counted equally .
9 The literature of the last few years is thronged with papers proposing that these must be taken into account — but with few realistic proposals on how this is to be achieved .
10 There is one other important feature of the SD Ribbon which must be taken into account : it presents an unusually punishing electrical load to the partnering amplifier ( or power amplifier for those with two or three amplifiers ) .
11 Guns with their backs towards the sun have no problems , of course , so this factor must be taken into account when the guns are positioned .
12 These are every bit as fattening as the calories in solid food , and must be taken into account in reaching your daily total calorie intake .
13 The Court of Appeal has taken the matter a step further in Shomer v B&R Residential Lettings Ltd [ 1992 ] 453 Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin 2 , by holding that in making the comparison with a hypothetical sick man , all relevant circumstances must be taken into account so that where , as in this case , there had been misconduct by the pregnant woman , the correct comparison was with a sick man who had also been guilty of misconduct .
14 In Britain today our multi-cultural society must be taken into account by anyone establishing texts for a national curriculum .
15 Most patterns need to go the same way on all pieces joined , so this must be taken into account when ordering .
16 If a trailer can carry goods ( a piece of mobile plant obviously can not ) it must be taken into account if over 1020kg unladen weight .
17 Another factor that must be taken into account is that our Sun is not motionless in space ; instead , it travels around the centre of the Galaxy once every 220 million years or so .
18 the developmental stage of any family must be taken into account since the family will be adapting to changing pressures from younger as well as older members .
19 I have argued elsewhere ( 1984 ) that Chewong society is co-existent with their universe , and for this reason ideas concerning all categories of conscious beings must be taken into account when establishing indigenous person attributes .
20 As the pattern of career advancement becomes clearer and the expectations of the established senior staff are communicated , these expectations become pressures that must be taken into account
21 Each of the factors of length of residence or contact , and amount of use of the second language , must be taken into account .
22 So the actual behaviour of classes must be taken into account .
23 The draft schedule of the Act sets out an extensive list of prescribed matters which must be taken into account , and these cover traditional and new areas .
24 The organization of medieval universities into separate ‘ nations ’ must be taken into account , but study by English clerks at Paris may well have influenced the manner in which legal and diplomatic business was transacted with the French .
25 It may take drastic discontinuities , of the kind described above , to highlight the fact that the environment over a period must be taken into account before one can attempt to predict the course of personality development , yet children reared under normal home circumstances are generally regarded as remaining under such constant environmental conditions that this consideration does not hold .
26 In assessing whether a particular doctrine might have encouraged scientific inquiry , such ambivalence must be taken into account .
27 They are present in varying degrees throughout the period of this book ; the degree of their influence , their role in the construction of social consensus or in unifying disparate social forces is another factor that must be taken into account .
28 Minorities are also part of the people and , as far as possible , their interests , views and convictions must be taken into account in the processes of policy-making and decision-taking .
29 The implicit aspects must be taken into account , especially if a phenomenon such as Taking the Side of the Other is to be distinguished from conventional attitude-change .
30 At this stage , what began as an expression of pure assimilation , in which anything could provide the basis for the child 's construction of images , turns increasingly into games with a much stronger accommodative element , as a genuine resemblance is required between the signifier and the signified , and the actual characteristics of the village or wedding observed must be taken into account .
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