Example sentences of "look [pron] [prep] the face " in BNC.

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1 He blacked out a couple of his front teeth with stage cosmetics and made his breath smell with chemical — oldest trick in the business to prevent people looking you in the face close to .
2 Catherine sounded suddenly exhausted , and as she gave him back the cup she turned towards him , letting him see that she had been crying , but without looking him in the face .
3 " You can tell him , " I said , turning and looking him in the face , " that you were entirely mistaken ; that my boss really is my boss , and that I 'm not going to have a baby . "
4 But , standing in her bathroom , with her looking at him with those lovely blue eyes , her whole soul looking him in the face , her integrity undeniable , he knew the truth .
5 A harvest earned by many far from home , With memories of some old English place Or Scottish croft ; and now that evils come , Let's look them in the face .
6 I suppose she 's just done one for you , no wonder you ca n't look me in the face . ’
7 But he ca n't look me in the face .
8 ‘ Thank you , ’ she said , not daring to look them in the face .
9 I do n't think I could bear to look them in the face . ’
10 ‘ She never mentioned my having got stuck here as well , but I could hardly look her in the face .
11 But how can I look him in the face and tell him that 's turned out to be true ? ’
12 She could n't look him in the face any more .
13 There was an edge to Jake 's voice now , an edge of hostility , that caused her to turn round and look him in the face .
14 He could not continue to look her in the face .
15 She came last to Lachlan , and for the first time since he had startled her raised her head to look him in the face .
16 It was out in the open now and she was able to look him in the face again , all pretence finished .
17 to look him in the face again
18 He grabbed Rohmer by the arm and swung him around so that he was forced to look him in the face .
19 She turned her head slightly to look him in the face .
20 ‘ No problem is hopeless if you 've got the courage to look it in the face .
21 She turned away from that thought , unwilling to look it in the face .
22 I gathered my courage , and turned , prepared to look myself in the face .
23 Jessamyn looked him in the face , smiling pleasantly .
24 As she rose , her eyes , which had flicked from side to side , looked him in the face for the first time .
25 How could she possibly have walked into the reception room at the hotel where Rune was holding his anniversary party and looked him in the face without betraying the fact that despite the passage of time and distance she still loved him ?
26 She lifted her head and looked him in the face .
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