Example sentences of "more [adj] level [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of being treated as our own ancestors , the Neanderthals of Europe and the more primitive ‘ Java man ’ were dismissed as distinct forms of pseudo-humanity , driven into marginal locations by the expansion of true humans with a more advanced level of intelligence .
2 There are no other comparable arrangements however , and as a separate facet of this sequence they are relatively uninstructive and more profitably considered at a more specific level of affinity ( section 2.2 and 3.3 , below pp. 30 and 33 ) .
3 There are signs at times of a reversion to a more primitive level of superstition in the play , a slipping beneath Christianity to Frazerian rituals half hinted at , but suppressed beneath normal life .
4 At this more detailed level of analysis , the most important shift in the geography of manufacturing since the mid-1960s has been the decline of the inner cities and the conurbations and the relative growth of outer metropolitan areas and smaller towns .
5 We are trying to develop a more consistent level of business overseas , whether it is concerned with Group or other people 's technology .
6 At a more sophisticated level of writing , antislavery was able to infiltrate the pages of the Edinburgh Review through Henry Brougham 's own contributions and his influence with Francis Jeffrey .
7 It is this kind of objective correspondence which makes it possible for the experience of racism to become connected to paranoid structures of feeling and phantasy which originate at a quite different and more unconscious level of representation .
8 But the hotel does have the advantage of being able to offer a scenic and historic location and the more personalised level of service that a small independent hotel can offer .
9 There is also another and much more fundamental level of critique and debate .
10 But as a work of fiction , a novel has a more abstract level of existence , which in principle is partly independent of the language through which it is represented , and may be realize for example , through the visual medium of film .
11 It goes without saying that semantic variants also involve differences of expression — of syntax and graphology/phonology — since codings at the more abstract level of meaning have consequences of expression .
12 Yet Tom Fawthrop could write in It52 that the RSSF represented a move away from ‘ the sectarian left ’ and ‘ the move into a deeper , more imaginative level of politics … we will be the first generation in history to consciously plan and map-out its own future , and create a society of its own . ’
13 As one follows Lévi-Strauss , or any of his leading adherents , down the misty corridors of thought , each offering access to a new and more profound level of structure , successive mysteries are revealed until , within the inner sanctum of the ‘ deep structure ’ , we encounter ‘ the human mind ’ ( the usual translation offered by Lévi-Strauss 's English supporters of his esprit humain ) .
14 Since the economic advantages are overwhelming and a greater and more expert level of service can be expected it is appropriate and justifiable to spend some time on supplier selection .
15 Most local authorities have yet to set their budgets but I am glad to report to the house the press reports indicate a far more modest level of increase .
16 Subsequent studies have not endorsed this , but they seem to show that there is a more modest level of improvement .
17 This has resulted partly from the increased participation of married women and the ‘ coming of age ’ of the main post-war baby boom , but has of course been influenced greatly at more local level by migration .
18 While some filmmakers were making expensive films positioned in a European never-never-land , believing that placeless films were preferable to British films , the documentarists and , to some extent , the makers of quota pictures , were dealing with a more everyday level of life .
19 There was a group among former Roman catholic school pupils who exhibited a more intense level of practice , but these were also children of fervent Roman catholics .
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