Example sentences of "come about through the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The changing costs of capital and labour will result in industrial structural changes creating an acceptable society which has come about through the operation of market forces and not because powerful interests have adopted particular technologies which suit them but are detrimental to the interests of weaker groups in society .
2 Right , and that increase in production has come about through the use of technology , whether it be agro-chemicals , better seed varieties , more mechanization , technology has increased production per unit of land , alright , per unit of labour .
3 The revolution has come about through the application of computer science .
4 The great advances in producing the laws of physical science had come about through the application of a method , one which systematically simplified the messiness of the appearances of the world , to produce the pristine laws of natural science .
5 Liberal thinkers welcomed the view that evolution came about through the accumulation of animals ' efforts to conquer their environment , since this implied that the social progress resulting from commercial activity was a direct continuation of Nature 's development .
6 The 1970s LP reissues came about through the vision and advocacy of Jerrold Northrop Moore , who knew how important Elgar 's recorded performances were to an understanding of the composer and his music .
7 This came about through the fact that although Mondrian made use of the Cubist grid-system of Composition , he had already begun to develop a new form of painting which finally culminated during the war in the purely abstract idiom of De Stijl and Neo-Plasticism .
8 While they advocated and worked for such extensions of democracy the European social democratic parties , whether or not they claimed to be Marxist and revolutionary , were also , for the most part , firmly committed to political democracy in the narrower sense ; and where the necessary conditions were present — the legal existence of socialist parties , elections conducted on the basis of ( at least ) universal male suffrage , and participation in parliament and government — they made plain that although they did not renounce extra-parliamentary forms of class action they envisaged the transition from capitalism to socialism as coming about through the will of a majority of citizens , clearly and publicly expressed in elections .
9 Our transformation by God does not come about through the law , but because of God 's love and grace .
10 This can only come about through the person of Jesus Christ .
11 Nor did they come about through the falsification of bold conjectures and the continual replacement of one bold conjecture by another .
12 Her eventual release can only come about through the death of Doc and the proof of her recovery lies in her willingness to participate in a wedding-feast .
13 The thing is this : when you play a note on any guitar , you create an overtone series , and those overtone series come about through the string vibrating in properly divided lengths .
14 Research processes vary between and within discipline ; most really significant advances in knowledge come about through the application of several techniques .
15 The interaction comes about through the polarization of the electron cloud of the molecule by the oscillating electric vector of the incident quantum ( Fig. 5.5 ) .
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