Example sentences of "come [adv prt] [prep] [art] open " in BNC.

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1 The other lad who made a commitment came as a non-believer but was willing to come along with an open mind and on studying the gospels came to believe Jesus was indeed who he said he was and shortly after made his commitment .
2 It is a shock to have the battle of Helm 's Deep decided by the Ents and Huorns , who were last seen marching on Isengard , but whose powers have never come out in the open before .
3 Stressing that members " who have come out in the open face a serious risk of arrest and detention " , Aford urged the international community " to sustain diplomatic and moral pressure on the Malawian government to respect human rights " .
4 It is no good throwing things at them when they are safely in their dug-outs and shelters , but at some time they have to come out into the open , if only to change their clothes and appearance , and that is when we can get at them .
5 And whatever the scholars of the sixteenth , seventeenth , and eighteenth centuries may have said or thought in private , there were very few who were prepared to come out into the open and publish opinions directly at variance with Holy Writ .
6 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
7 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
8 The hours passed , daylight faded , and the sounds of a warm September evening came in through the open window .
9 The smell of the flowers came in through the open windows of the bus .
10 The tiny river sounds came in through the open hatches .
11 A little breeze came in through the open window and set the hanging light swinging , so that her face was now shadowed , now glistening pale in the electric glare .
12 Suddenly the ground fell away before them and they came out on an open plateau with a floor of chequered marble , white on black , and a wide stone staircase with balustrades running down to the dried bed of an ornamental lake , which the mist turned to a bowl of milk .
13 Then , as they came out onto an open stretch of bitten turf at the foot of the hill where the rabbits were running , as though a signal had been given a universal clamour broke out , a clatter , a din of singing , from the unseen roof-tops of the village behind them , from the beeches on the Down , from the ash trees that stood like singing poles in the hedgerows along the hollow track , from every tree it seemed of the whole vast forest birds were singing and singing and demanding to be heard .
14 In England , in particular , it 's high time that both sides — administrators and players — came out into the open and made it quite clear what they want and what they are prepared to do .
15 Whereupon she came out into the open and said she would choose Arts .
16 It jolted up the lane , slowed down as it came out into the open area in front of the quarry gates , and stopped .
17 These are believed to result , at least in part , from sewage pollution , although there is some evidence that nutrients are also coming in from the open sea .
18 If it was friendly , how come it was scurrying around stealing magazines and not coming out into the open and asking who was in charge round here .
19 ‘ Make foreign things work for China ’ , ran one slogan but it recognised that ‘ flies and pests ’ would come in through the open door as well as fresh air to revitalise the stuffy atmosphere in China .
20 It is important to remember that a very large percentage of jobs never come on to the open market but are filled from within the firm , by people applying ‘ on spec. ’ or by people who hear about a vacancy from friends or colleagues working in the same field .
21 come in through the open window , rape her ,
22 And to be really frank , one has to say when those kind of things come out in the open one has to say has the church got its priorities right ?
23 It sometimes comes on in the open air .
24 The ingratitude comes out into the open and sets as hard as marble .
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