Example sentences of "may occur [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such a mechanism may directly control the actual transcription process , ( initiation of transcription in the drosophila , as suggested by Berthier et al ( 18 ) , may occurred by a mechanism different from that described in mammals ( 25 ) ) , or ensure post-transcriptional regulation of the concentration of the various transcripts ( turnover ) ( 26 ) .
2 One source of difficulty and confusion which , as we shall see , has survived the statutory reforms associated with the Contempt of Court Act 1981 is that interference with justice as a continuing process may occur through the medium of a particular criminal or civil case .
3 If , however , the requirements are not well defined or the system design is not capable of meeting all the requirements , then much unnecessary fire , smoke and water damage may occur through the system failing to control the fire quickly .
4 This may occur through the return on assets being higher than the growth in earnings or salaries .
5 Spelling changes may occur at the morpheme boundaries resulting in slight changes to the surface string produced by the morpheme combinations .
6 The polypary may occur at the end of a stalk , giving the coral the appearance of a toadstool , or alternatively , in encrusting forms , the polypary may rest directly on the substrate , attaching itself by rootlike processes as the coral grows .
7 Cutting may occur at the time of binge-eating .
8 A high proportion of affected subjects are therefore compound heterozygotes rather than homozygotes , although particular mutations may occur with a frequency of over 60% in certain populations and there may be close association with particular haplotypes , indicating that founder effect has had an important influence on the distribution of mutations across nations .
9 They would also have to observe the requirements of national employment legislation and this would always be the case whatever developments may occur on the education side .
10 Wart-like growths may occur on the shin .
11 Again , much higher densities may occur on the chalk , and 14 pairs were found nesting in a three-acre patch of kale at Burpham in 1969 , an extraordinary concentration .
12 A proof using Q may occur to the reader : Choose M ε Z such that m is the greatest integer not exceeding
13 They may occur to the discoverer in a flash of inspiration , as in the mythical story of Newton 's discovery of the law of gravitation being triggered by his seeing an apple fall from a tree .
14 Whichever heading is appropriate it is necessary to appreciate the significance of events which may occur beyond the period of normal measurement during the duration of a research programme .
15 The following is a list of all scanner errors which may occur during a module header scanner run ( see Section 5 , Option 1.4.0 ) with advice on how to correct them , where required .
16 It may be very difficult to obtain accurate colour photographs of quartz luminescence because the shift to red may occur during the time of exposure .
17 Thus , reversible binding of calmodulin to the channel complex in response to changes in the level of Ca 2+ has the effect of increasing the sensitivity of the channel to small changes in cGMP which may occur during the photoresponse .
18 A change in status may occur without a change of version ( since the text itself is unaltered ) , and represents an investment of editorial labour which should be recorded so that it is not needlessly repeated e.g. after database recovery due to media failure .
19 The answer may quite simply be that semantically redundant dependent elements may occur without the penalty of abnormality provided they are syntactically obligatory , as are the direct objects of gnash and purse .
20 Dysuria may occur as a result of the urine coming into contact with inflamed skin .
21 McCullough argues that psychosocial changes in old people can be best understood by ‘ reference to social rather than developmental forces ’ , that is to say , ‘ change in an individual may occur as a result of … interaction between internal and environmental factors ’ .
22 The sores and ulcers that may occur as a result of STDs offer a ready route of entry for the virus .
23 Although sequencing errors may occur as a result of either left or right sided lesions ( Kim , Royer , Bonstelle and Boller , 1980 ) it is generally held that left hemisphere damage more frequently leads to impairment .
24 You will have gained the knowledge of how to tell when a particular food does not suit your body and how to deal with any bloating or other symptoms that may occur as a result .
25 A subsequent failure may occur as a result of an earlier failure which the mail message attempted to report .
26 In this issue ( p 15 ) the paper by Govan and colleagues supports other work suggesting that transmission may occur as a result of social activities outside the hospital environment .
27 Increases in money supply may occur as a result of banks expanding credit in response to the demand for credit .
28 Similar but more diffuse changes may occur as the result of a generalised myopathy , or the substrate may be provided by primary or secondary muscle hypertrophy .
29 Here the failure may occur despite the fact that the episode in question has been adequately stored and is potentially retrievable ( if actually asked at the time the drivers could have probably correctly retrieved the information that they were uninsured / driving on full beam / on the wrong route ) , the problem is instead that the driver fails to use the knowledge available at the correct time .
30 That such qualification may occur outside the language-system , through paralinguistic means and in the observation of and judgement on which language-system , dialect etc. is operating in a given context , is irrelevant , Lyons would claim , to his central point .
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