Example sentences of "also relate to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The position of a horse in the social hierarchy of the herd will also relate to a horse 's self-esteem .
2 The contracting parties proceed on the understanding that international treaties and agreements to which the FRG is a contracting party , including treaties establishing membership of international organizations or institutions , shall retain their validity and that the rights and obligations arising therefrom … shall also relate to the territory specified in Article 3 of this treaty …
3 Also relating to the issue of reliance on the accounts , I should correct the statement in your report that ‘ the 1982 accounts were the last audit completed and signed ’ .
4 Glycaemic control among diabetic patients in the community is related to such factors as treatment group , sex , and years since diagnosis ; it is also related to the organisation and process of care .
5 As later chapters show , answers to the ‘ Do you like housework ? ’ question are also related to the kind of standards and routines adopted in housework , and to women 's self-concepts as expressed in a written statement .
6 Competition is also related to the likelihood that new suppliers will enter the market if they perceive profit opportunities because the existing suppliers charge high prices or are x-inefficient and have high costs .
7 The time problem is also related to the need for in-service training .
8 In part , this pattern is also related to the fact that the females in the study group were generally older than the males .
9 We suggest , however , that the tiredness experienced by young couples in the first months of a baby 's life is not just the result of broken nights , change of role , anxiety as to the well-being of so small and vulnerable a being , and doubts about being a good enough parent , but is also related to the strain of exercising a defence against envy of the baby to whom so much care and comfort is offered .
10 Bulb-life is also related to the number of times that they are switched on and off .
11 It also relates to the way in which subjects are not presented — to processes and procedures and methods which are rarely or never employed .
12 Similarly , the library and student services functions , which also related to the delivery of courses , could be regarded as part of the operations group .
13 The second set also relate to a 1-kilometre grid drawn to cover a larger area than the map so as to be able to extend the axis line fully .
14 They bear on important constitutional and political questions ; cover the preparation , passage and implementation of statutes on a wide variety of subjects , such as property law , criminal law and bankruptcy ; deal with the administration of justice , including the organisation and working of the courts , the appointment of judges and magistrates , the regulation of legal aid and the legal profession ; and also relate to the process and substance of law reform , including the proceedings of numerous commissions and inquiries .
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