Example sentences of "only [art] [det] [noun pl] before " in BNC.

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1 Some of the refugees had been living in Polish exile for as long as seven weeks , while others arrived only a few hours before West German diplomats announced they could leave .
2 It seemed impossible that only a few hours before I had been happy in my cell at the aerodrome .
3 He informs his head of security only a few minutes before he wants to go somewhere , not trusting even him .
4 A second limitation is that the duration of the effect with standard doses is confined to only a few minutes before the drug diffuses around the circle of Willis and into the opposite hemisphere .
5 It was a matter of only a few minutes before the rebels reached the President 's quarters , and stopped to await General Bobo , who had made clear his intention to take over personally .
6 As it was only a few minutes before the shop closed , he forbore to detail the checkout girl with his usual badinage about the finer points of philosophy or astrophysics .
7 It was only a few minutes before we decided on the Bell .
8 The car had been parked outside their home for only a few minutes before neighbours saw it being driven off by teenage youths .
9 The pigs the mariners left on the islands probably looked at lot like the ancestral wild boars , and certainly when pink pigs go wild , it 's only a few generations before they 're muscular , nimble and fierce again .
10 When domestic pigs go feral , it 's only a few generations before they start to look like the ancestral Eurasian wild boar .
11 She turned to march away but got only a few inches before she was hauled back .
12 Dana felt so sick , he went straight back to bed , but had been there only a few seconds before he leapt out with a scream of agony : an autumnal , sleepy wasp had been brought in by the chambermaid among the bedclothes which had been airing at the window and had stung my friend on the bottom !
13 It was only a few seconds before he hit a cul de sac and jumped out .
14 He had only a few seconds before the postman came into sight through the trees above the road .
15 The touch of cynicism struck a slightly sour note , but it lasted only a few seconds before the teasing tone was back .
16 As it happens , in the early days of computers it was thought that it would be only a few years before computers would be able to understand natural language .
17 Only a few years before alcohol prohibition was repealed in the United States in 1933 , public sentiment was similarly dominated by the opinions of the country 's prohibitionist leaders .
18 To me it was all familiar ( why , only a few years before I 'd danced there with a stiff-backed medical student by the name of Achille Flaubert ) .
19 Chief Black Moon and a thousand braves attacked the station at Huntly , Montana , only a few years before they were appearing in a more peaceable guise there .
20 Heinrich and Martha walked through this world , which was fated to last only a few years before the spell was broken , like a prince and princess .
21 His voice on that last telephone call came back to her , made only a few days before he disappeared .
22 Only a few days before an ITV programme had been far from complimentary about some of the Salvation Army hostels .
23 I could n't blame him ; only a few days before an eminent surgeon had been badly mugged in the entrance to his Harley Street office in the middle of the afternoon .
24 But she had gone only a few paces before she turned and stared back at the door , a strong sense of oddness — of wrongness — holding her in its grip .
25 IT 'S only a few weeks before thousands of British schoolchildren sit their CSE and A-level exams .
26 After this concerted effort by all adults , it was really only a few weeks before she learnt not to smack other children .
27 They had been married for only a few weeks before he had been hacked down by a sabre .
28 It was not likely that a man who had come to Germany only a few weeks before would be given carte blanche to say what he liked .
29 IT WAS with great shock that we heard the sad news that had died in hospital on Friday , May 21 , only a few weeks before he was due to retire .
30 The Mackenzies had invited the Keiths and their children , two-year-old Billy , and Roberta Keith , born only a few months before and named after Robert in Sydney , to join them for the festive season .
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