Example sentences of "its contribution to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although the trustees themselves will not be eligible for interest relief on such borrowings , Newco should obtain tax relief for its contributions to the trust .
2 The position is clear : the United Kingdom has paid its contributions to the Commission , and the Commission has the money .
3 It is a white variety which is difficult to ripen , hence the yield is small and its contribution to a cuvée is to increase the acidity and reduce the alcohol content .
4 The street is preparing its contribution to a town pageant .
5 For example , in August 1962 Alderman James Hegarty objected to the corporation paying its contribution to the equivalent of the arts council because , at sponsored plays and concerts , nationalists ‘ were invariably insulted by the playing of a foreign [ British ] national anthem ’ .
6 The North Eastern Coop 's Summerville hypermarket at Stockton has given neighbouring Blakeston Comprehensive School 400 trees as its contribution to the school 's attempt to win a one-off Queen 's 40th anniversary trust award .
7 The research analyses the nature and performance of the electronics industry in the area and assesses its contribution to the development of the Corridor .
8 The merit of the book , however , does not so much lie in its attempt to break the " iron curtain " that traditionally separates linguistic and literary approaches to literature , but rather in its contribution to the development of a stylistics that successfully reconciles linguistic analysis with a consideration of the socio-cultural and ideological dimensions of the production and reception of literary texts .
9 Applied Linguistics , now in its fourteenth year and recognized and respected world-wide for its contribution to the field , is an ideal source for this information .
10 One can enjoy its contribution to the story of Librium or chlordiazepoxide , the first of the benzodiazepines .
11 Quite independent of the social merits of re-using a redundant building to provide comfortable dwellings for local people at modest rents , a main factor encouraging the retention of All Saints Church was the value accorded by the local authority planners to the building for its contribution to the townscape .
12 But if the importance of a facade to a street has been recognized once , the argument that it is worth retaining for its contribution to the townscape must be upheld .
13 SERC decided earlier last year to cut its budget for neutron sources by £5m and it was announced last November that the government would be renegotiating its contribution to the neutron source at the Institut Laue-Langevin ( ILL ) in Grenoble , France .
14 By doing this , we separate off everything which counts for or against it in virtue of its effects , or alternatively , its contribution to the formation of certain wholes .
15 Bristol will increase its contribution to the pursuit of scholarship and research for the benefit of all mankind , for the creation of a better quality of life for our fellow citizens , for a renewed industrial future for our country and for a better understanding of the past and expanded horizons for many who are trapped by lack of opportunity or missed chances in earlier education .
16 Like other oil companies , Shell is under pressure to trim costs and by cutting back its contribution to the exploration drilling costs it will have saved £3 million .
17 The task of setting the budget had been passed on Dec. 27 by the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies to the Federation Council , after the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet on Dec. 26 had thrown the budget-setting exercise into crisis by voting to cut its contribution to the union budget by almost 85 per cent , to 23,400 million roubles ( US$1.00=Rbs0.5556 as at Dec. 31 , 1990 ) .
18 Its contribution to the war is to stay outside , cheering from the sidelines , absorbing the occasional painful jab from Saddam Hussein .
19 Thus where a biologist will examine a part of the body , such as the heart , in terms of its contribution to the maintenance of the human organism , the functionalist will examine a part of society , such as the family , in terms of its contribution to the maintenance of the social system .
20 Thus where a biologist will examine a part of the body , such as the heart , in terms of its contribution to the maintenance of the human organism , the functionalist will examine a part of society , such as the family , in terms of its contribution to the maintenance of the social system .
21 The function of any part of society is its contribution to the maintenance of society .
22 In summary , functionalists are primarily concerned with the function of social stratification : with its contribution to the maintenance and well-being of society .
23 What could be more sensible than the suggestion that the best way of evaluating a thing for its very own self , and not for its effects or its contribution to the value of larger wholes , is to consider what value it would possess if it existed in complete isolation ?
24 CANARY Wharf developer Olympia & York hopes , by the end of the week , to have reached agreement for the payment of the first £40m of its contribution to the extension of the London Underground Jubilee line into Docklands .
25 For example , to help sustain high morale by keeping employees informed about the progress of the enterprise and its contribution to the economy ; to provide a regular forum for employee participation through regular departmental meetings ; to select key messages for dissemination within the organization .
26 The Western Canadian operation is an example — although it is successful in the context of its own marketplace , its contribution to the group picture was no longer significant .
27 As you know , the BBC has an hour and a half ago published its contribution to the debate on the future of the BBC .
28 We also hope that , by the end of their course , students will be able to stand back , to see their core subject in a wider context , to have a sense of its development and how it relates to other subjects , and to have a due sense of its contribution to the world .
29 Its earnings , as a share of GDP , have halved , and its contribution to the balance of payments has fallen even more sharply .
30 A situation would arise in which the very order which is the objective of law would have to be violated in order to achieve that objective , and this is unacceptable since international law is not an end in itself , but an instrument to be justified largely by its contribution to the limitation of violence .
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