Example sentences of "when they saw the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And I have to say that cos Mr ca n't answer that , that is how the western community of Harrogate felt when they saw the way that this public consultation document was led .
2 When they saw the mission folk were as sincere in their beliefs they were happy to accept and join in .
3 Greenkeeper Paul Holmes and park warden Raymond Davies said they were ‘ horrified ’ when they saw the damage yesterday morning .
4 And when they saw the rash then they were , but , but tt oh , I see , she says .
5 They were all crossing together when they saw the skid , the boy on the motorbike , out of control and ploughing towards the sedate black Morris Minor .
6 Sometimes the German fighters followed the bombers back to their bases , and then when they saw the flare path light up for a few brief moments to guide the homecoming aircraft down , they would open up with their guns .
7 We spent a day ashore on Barentsøya where the Dutch party went off inland on their own and met up with a polar bear with two cubs , which ran off when they saw the party .
8 They would start to jeer at the company , but stopped when they saw the Hearthware sashes and the Myrcan staves and whispered amongst themselves .
9 It was easy to imagine what relief the miners must have felt at the end of a long day 's work in those conditions when they saw the mouth of the tunnel framing the daylight before them .
10 They had spilled halfway across the road , and although most of them shuffled quickly aside when they saw the car approaching , four boys gathered themselves quickly into a group and remained standing defiantly in its path .
11 Seb protested that it was no work for a girl , realising that the horses might panic when they saw the manor burning , but Carrie said , ‘ I know the stalls even better than you .
12 They laughed when they saw the tea , and demonstrated in dumb show how it should really be made .
13 Did anyone out there , when they saw the movie , realize that they were smoking for real ?
14 There were more trucks around it , and also several humans that started to run when they saw the shadow of the Ship .
15 And when they saw the star , they rejoiced with exceeding great joy .
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