Example sentences of "go round [verb] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There are no bureaucrats going round counting the jobs that never happened , the jobs that went away or the small firms that have packed up because they could no longer make a profit under the new controls and restrictions on their work force .
2 ‘ Why the hell ca n't we have some proper light in here ? ’ he complained as he strode in , snapping on the electric lights and going round dousing the candles .
3 For a change the weather was fine , and when shortly after midnight the company second in command went round to visit the soldiers in the trenches , he found morale high .
4 Get rid of Norman for a start ; you ca n't have a chancellor who goes round telling the voters ‘ Je ne regrette rien ’ , when lots of them have lost their jobs and their homes because of what he does n't regret .
5 One of them goes round putting the chimneys on and the other checks the flue .
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