Example sentences of "go [prep] the [adj] room " in BNC.

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1 Hammond , as well as carefully going through the various room assignments with Hunt , asked for a two-storey fire-proof building with attic and basement , and limited accommodation for servants and messengers .
2 Eva and my father were going into the front room , hand-in-hand , and they were reaching for each other low down , and clutching , tongues out , pressed against each other even before they 'd got through the door .
3 Keith does not understand why they are going into the next room .
4 Instead of going into the green room , we went to the girls ' dressing room .
5 Eh , I 'm going in the other room .
6 He checked her face for sincerity before going to the other room , returning with a photograph in a fancy tin frame .
7 When breakfast was finished the Foley boys placed their plates and cutlery neatly on the hatch into the kitchen before going to the big room where all their coats , boots , shoes , school bags and often rugby gear had to be left .
8 That 's what 's been going around the common room and that 's what all this adds up to . ’
9 He ca n't help it : Do you want me to go into the other room ?
10 If you 'd like to go into the next room , please .
11 Sometimes Sweetheart had to go into the back room to buy something special .
12 We do n't want to go in the other room and watch the nasties do we ?
13 Cos there 's too many of us to go in the little room .
14 And so they returned to the kitchen again ; and after the meal was put on the table Aggie went through the other room and from the door yelled , ‘ Ben ! ’ just the once before returning to the kitchen .
15 I go through the front room and then I get to this room [ the ‘ breakfast ’ room ] and I do the lunch washing up then , and I wait till they go to bed to put the hoover over this room and polish round .
16 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
17 Colin suggested they go into the next room to dance ; she agreed .
18 ‘ We will go into the dark room in a minute , ’ she said .
19 Let's go into the other room and we 'll have a word about his diet and a few other things . "
20 Shall we go into the other room ? ’
21 She went into the unlighted room , the candle bursting on the ridges of furniture .
22 During her researches she went to Lord 's to examine the immense collection which belongs to the MCC and went into the Long Room .
23 He got up , flung the strange , savage robe around his shoulders again and went into the other room where she heard him shouting through the door " Is that little matter sorted out yet , at the Dog and Gun ? "
24 While Penry went upstairs she took his tray into the study , then went into the other room with her own .
25 They went into the spare room and sat on the bed .
26 It was ten o'clock ; he went into the outer room and muttered to the duty officer : ‘ I shall be at the pharmacy . ’
27 When he had given her the keys and the egg , and had left her , she first put the egg away with great care , and then examined the house , and at last went into the forbidden room .
28 Kate went into the front room .
29 ‘ We do n't stamp passports , ’ said the Immigration man huffily as he turned away from the desk and went into the little room behind that served as his office .
30 He went into the same room as before .
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