Example sentences of "what is the current [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , bearing in mind these constraints ; what is the current evidence linking diabetic control and platelet function ?
2 But what is the current position within the chemical industry ?
3 So what is the current position in Grampian ?
4 What is the current price of the CD ?
5 Is it a sensible planning strategy to take all this land between the city boundary and the inner boundary of the greenbelt , in what is the current structure plan period , I wonder ?
6 What is the current yield on the CD ?
7 To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the current level of retail price inflation in the United Kingdom ; and what is the average within the European Community .
8 To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the current level of consumer debt in Britain ; and what was the comparable figure in 1981 .
9 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is the current level of unemployment in the city of Leicester ; and by what numbers and what percentage it changed in 1990 .
10 What is the current arrangement ? ? ?
11 The anxiety that I will be caught out on the hustings by a clever swine in a corduroy jacket asking ‘ What is the current rate of child benefit ? ’ is one which is shared by all those rash enough to offer themselves for election .
12 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is the current rate of unemployment for ( a ) registered disabled people and ( b ) disabled people generally .
13 Well obviously that factor er was considered carefully by the Ministry of Defence before our Secretary of State agreed that we could safely defer the in service date for Eurofighter two thousand and adjust the the er replacement plan er back in December ninety two , so we have looked at what is the current rate of consumption of airframe life on the jaguar er what can be done economically and sensibly to keep it flying safely and effectively into the next century and er we have come to the conclusion that we have a viable plan here which can tie up with the planned rate of delivery to service of Eurofighter two thousand .
14 what is the current version ?
15 To ask the Attorney-General what is the current complement for the Serious Fraud Office ; what is the number of staff in post ; and if he will make a statement .
16 Recruiters need a summary of who has applied under each vacancy , and what is the current status of their application .
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