Example sentences of "what [pers pn] [vb past] been doing " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been dreaming , that 's what I 'd been doing .
2 Cos I 'd lost about half a stone in weight , and I was cut down on chocolate biscuits , and I , what I 'd been doing I was was at my tea , at five o'clock , I was eating another at ten o'clock , I reckon I was overdoing it a bit you know with the I was trying to cut down a lot
3 But this is so different to what I 'd been doing as it is for most people .
4 And you never asked me what I had been doing .
5 That was just what I had been doing for the past four months innocent of impending restrictions .
6 My initial homesickness at school soon gave way to a dread of going home , home to a place where no one understood me , no one spoke the same language as I did , and no one showed the slightest interest in what I had been doing , thinking or feeling during my absence .
7 The colonel wanted to know what I had been doing and who I had talked to .
8 Meredith told him what she had been doing since they last met and Markby gave a summary of his own activities .
9 They had watched her , in the council estate , they knew what she had been doing .
10 of course , that 's exactly what she had been doing .
11 Planning is just what she had been doing .
12 She remembered quite clearly what she had been doing scarce ten minutes ago .
13 If he knew how old she was he might want her to tell him what she had been doing the last few years .
14 What she 'd been doing was missing breakfasts and lunches and dinners in an effort to accommodate Silvia 's erratic time-keeping — and still failing to do the stipulated six hours a day , she thought to herself with a dart of misery .
15 You did not tell me what you had been doing , or where you had been , and you were not interested in whatever I might have been doing .
16 ‘ I asked what you 'd been doing for the last five years … ’
17 My father grilled us about what we had been doing all week .
18 And for thirty years I and my fellow teachers , as we went back to our classrooms , have said to ourselves , ‘ Well , back to reality ’ ’ , and had gone on doing just what we had been doing all along , which was to try to bribe , scare or shame children into learning what someone else had decided they ought to know .
19 We did n't sit down thinking deeply about what we had been doing or anything like that , largely because we were teaching at the same time .
20 ‘ But they loved what we 'd been doing .
21 ‘ What would she say if she knew what we 'd been doing tonight ? ’
22 But then they 'd still presumably report back to the main group about what they 'd been doing .
23 They , they , what they 'd been doing was shooting them over and they 'd just had n't been exploded , they said dud shell or something .
24 He did n't know what they had been doing to him , but whatever it was he did n't like it , and he was going to let them know it in the only way he knew — by making as loud a noise as he could !
25 Everywhere there was evidence of abandoned normality as though everyone had put down what they had been doing , and then simply vanished ; half finished cups of coffee , dishevelled beds , games of scrabble and cards laid out , play suspended .
26 The head explained that the school had a lower/middle/ upper division and the lower school head briefly explained that the children were going to show the parents and new children what they had been doing .
27 As soon as most dealers actually knew anything , they would get disgusted with what they had been doing , and wanted out .
28 That 's what they had been doing before .
29 The APM and the report provided an opportunity for governors to explain , justify and evaluate what they had been doing , especially with regard to the quality of education offered .
30 In between these demonstrations of loyalty and discipline under fire he had said nothing to clarify the Government 's policy for combating inflation other than that there was no alternative to what he had been doing .
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