Example sentences of "if you work [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Read for a while , then do some writing or some research browsing in a library ; this can reduce the effect of strain or tiredness with long bouts of writing , something which is particularly important for health reasons if you work at a computer .
2 If you work if you work on a quarter page at three ninety and cos remember you 're telling all this on the phone .
3 If you work on a seven point five figure , then you get up to twenty seven thousand four hundred and twenty seven hours , erm , before next year , erm , That would leave us with a difficulty I think , because if I were , if we went ahead with the idea of recruiting two people now er we would need to get rid of four of them by , oh four people all together , erm , by er the next financial year , which clearly is not terribly sensible .
4 So if you work on the presumption then that that position is the preferable one , bearing in mind that you know what you 're doing but you do n't know what other people are doing .
5 If you work with a medium format camera , such as the ETRS Bronica which I use , then load as many spare film-holders as you carry with you .
6 Here it if often helpful if you work with a partner , as long as you both think along the same lines .
7 Resistors are like pipes , if you work with a resistance it 's always one over so forget about resistance , deal with conductance .
8 If you work for a fairly large company you probably have a standard procedure for informing new employees about conditions of work , etc .
9 If you work for a company which insists that you drive a particular brand of car , resign , first writing off the car in an accident in which two teenage hookers and a hallucinating macaw reach a rather untimely end .
10 If you work for a large company , with plenty of in-house techies to repair a computer if it goes wrong , or you are competent — and confident — enough to fix it yourself , then you could be justified in buying cheap and taking a risk .
11 If you work for a large commercial firm , you will almost certainly be involved in this .
12 That 's right , I mean , again , it 's one of those things , it 's in the benefits package , if you work for a company , you do n't want to know about it until you need to claim .
13 ‘ You need to know where they all are if you work for the Royal Mail , ’ Coltman says .
14 President-elect Bill Clinton , who takes over from Bush on January 20 , said Mr Bush 's decision gave the message : ‘ If you work for the government you 're above the law . ’
15 Now it is generally observed that most civil servants whatever country they come from make sure that they er give each other pay rises and I know it happens in this country the Civil Service pay pays quite well and it 's certainly a key erm feature in er pay structure in developing countries that if your , if you work for the government you are very very well paid , like government wages can be , you know , four , five , six , ten , twenty times
16 If you work for an organisation which dictates a house-style , then you must conform to it in your correspondence , but you should remember that there are a number of equally valid alternatives .
17 If you work as a sales assistant , but dream of owning your own business , what are you doing about it ?
18 If you work as an in-house solicitor , you will have responsibility for drafting and keeping up to date standard contract documents for use by your employer in the main business — from simple invoice terms and conditions of sale or purchase to those suitable for major projects and transactions and non-standard contracts for individual or complicated projects .
19 If you work in a university , polytechnic , college or school anywhere in the world and your work is held up for lack of funding , the Research Fund may be able to help you .
20 If you work in a large store or supermarket , you may well have an automatic , computerised till .
21 If you work in a shop , your job may well include price marking — attaching price labels to items and shelf units .
22 If you work in a shop , try to find out :
23 If you work in a stuffy office , place bowls of water near the radiators or invest in a humidifier to keep the air moist and prevent your skin from dehydrating .
24 For example , if you work in a surgical unit where some patients have a limb amputated , the physiotherapist and occupational therapist are key members of the team .
25 Even if you work in a large consultancy of the future where a media department controls the production , you will still probably have to write .
26 People always seem to assume that if you work in a library , you should know all there is to know about books .
27 And she was saying , cos her friend works in a bank and she 's just taken a mortgage on because they get so much knocked off their mortgage do n't they , if you work in a
28 But if you work in the holidays , what 'll you do with Dickie ? ’
29 If you work in the EFL profession , it is in your interest to keep up with the latest developments in the field .
30 But I mean I , I , I 'm I 'm guessing , I 'm assuming , I 'm not sure he did , but I have seen erm when I was in Edinburgh studying communications , if you work in the Sun which was erm a broadsheet for Murdoch on it .
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