Example sentences of "if [pron] take the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If I take the wings of the morning and
2 ( b ) if you take the aubergines , artichokes and courgettes out of those boxes and put them in the glove compartment , on the back shelf , wedge them between other things on the floor , there will be loads of space .
3 But if you take the instances away from the rule in this way there is no rule left to ask this question about .
4 To borrow an analogy from an eminent astronomer , if you take the parts of an airliner and jumble them up at random , the likelihood that you would happen to assemble a working Boeing is vanishingly small .
5 If you take the children and have a family rail card you can get a reduction one third off if it 's a standard fare , a quarter off if it 's a saver .
6 If we take the women 's case-room wages at Oliver & Boyd , the pattern is as shown in Table 7a .
7 Extent and date of the flood : if we take the terms used in Genesis 7:19ff. in their modern sense , the flood must have been universal .
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