Example sentences of "if [pron] have the choice " in BNC.

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1 But yes , I would rather be at home if I had the choice .
2 No I think if I had the choice I 'd move the tulip and leave the trees .
3 I would not do it if I had the choice .
4 But what would Gemma want to eat if she had the choice ?
5 Gordon Bennett , if you had the choice between a mouthful of spunk or a prattfull , what would you rather have ? ’
6 Would n't you , if if if if you had Ann if you had the choice of these two what would you rather have ?
7 Daylight and ordinary tungsten light do not mix together very well photographically ; on the other hand , fluorescent light is often used in kitchens and this mixes with daylight better than tungsten if ‘ daylight ’ tubes are in use , in which case set the camcorder white balance to the ‘ daylight ’ preset if you have the choice .
8 If you have the choice , position your cannon at the far ends of your line to allow yourself diagonal shots across the enemy line .
9 If you have the choice , make him visit you , it is easier .
10 It would be highly dangerous if we had the choice of tampering with instinct .
11 I mean we all know it , and we all know there 's a lot on this list which are most unpalatable , and they 're only there because we 've been set the task of reaching a particular sum of money , and er , if we had the choice we 'd be going in the reverse direction , and , and adding .
12 Obviously i i bus would be acceptable in certain circumstances , it 's obviously better if one has the choice between bus and rail .
13 The Minister said that British consumers would not want to buy inhumanely produced veal if they had the choice .
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