Example sentences of "if [pron] [was/were] wait for " in BNC.

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1 Lilac gloves , half-boots made of kid — she looked , as she sat rather apprehensively in the country inn parlour , as if she were waiting for Mr Gainsborough .
2 She looked as if she was waiting for me so before she could say anything I spoke .
3 If she was waiting for him to say that she did n't need to diet she had a long wait .
4 When at 10.45am we had resigned ourselves to a day of swimming and sunbathing a farmer pulled up and asked , in German , if we were waiting for him .
5 It looked as if they were waiting for somebody , could it be me ?
6 A waiter came up and after one close look at them asked if they were waiting for Count Felipe de Santis .
7 An uncomfortable pause while he sat forward on the sofa holding his coffee cup in both hands and gazing into it as if he was waiting for some kind of chemical reaction .
8 She kept waiting for him to do something , but he hesitated , as if he were waiting for her .
9 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
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