Example sentences of "if [pers pn] do not come " in BNC.

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1 If I do n't come back the gas mask is no good against it .
2 Shyly Clare added , ‘ I hope he is n't bored or tired … he 'll be disappointed if I do n't come … ’
3 If I do n't come up when he goes away and for the while he 's on just say he 's
4 but it 's still , I mean , even if I do n't , even if I do n't come out tomorrow , I 'd come out on Saturday
5 ‘ Would you mind very much if I did n't come ? ’
6 Yeah , yeah , I know , well my daughter in law , was practically down on the phone kissing me last year when I said look Myrie , would n't you like it this year if I did n't come to you , you know , she 's done Christmas 's for me , year in year out
7 ‘ I usually do if she does n't come home . ’
8 And then later on the script she ha to say he had to say to her well , call her , you leave her and if she does n't come to you that 's not your dog and take her to the pound and have her put down .
9 know nothing after that , but anyway I said it will , I 'm putting this away so I 'll have a hundred pound then and if she does n't come I says I 'll have a hundred pound for
10 If she did n't come by twelve they would have to leave anyway .
11 And it might worry Mark if she did n't come back till late .
12 I had no intention of trying to explain the whereabouts of Sunil 's goods to Sunil or his henchmen until I 'd made contact with Zaria , and if she did n't come across soon there was a good chance she 'd find me hanging from a Christmas tree by the neck .
13 Tell 'er you 'll cut 'er throat if she do n't come up with it .
14 If you do not come too close , if you do not come too close ,
15 If you do not come too close , if you do not come too close ,
16 If you do n't come back , can I have your egg ? ’ the aircrew are said to have joked .
17 These are the only role models for young women ; you feel inferior if you do n't come up to those standards , even though you know it 's a ridiculous stereotype .
18 A second letter followed , which said tersely , — ‘ If you do n't come back and train — forget it . ’
19 ‘ Ma 'll get into trouble if you do n't come .
20 Me , too , come to that — if you do n't come , he 'll spend the whole time fretting about the book . ’
21 ‘ I 'll kill myself if you do n't come back . ’
22 If you do n't come back I 'll take the whole bottle . ’
23 He says one day , me lad , if you do n't come back quick , he said , I shall sell it , threepence , and there was a lot of ham of it , in those days .
24 Because I 'll have to sell my flat if you do n't come and help with the bills .
25 Now I am writing to you to ask for your help , and I ca n't blame you if you do n't come .
26 If you do n't come I 'm going to start panicking . ’
27 She says she knows it 's difficult to get away but this is really important and if you do n't come , then I think she 'll gatecrash your place …
28 " If you do n't come out inside a minute , I 'll have to come back in . "
29 ‘ Well , I shall be angry too if you do n't come , ’ Helen said sharply , then added more gently , ‘ I understand how you feel about him , but you ought to try and overcome your dislike .
30 If you do n't come here first that 's what I 'm say I 'm saying .
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