Example sentences of "can not reasonably [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 whenever the effect can not reasonably be quantified , in which case the directors should explain the circumstances .
2 Nevertheless , the rewritten version conforms so closely to the original , with just isolated words changed , that it can not reasonably be called a paraphrase .
3 It is clear , though , that there remains a very wealthy minority who can not reasonably be regarded as ‘ middle class ’ .
4 Now that policy and I think think I 'll it out , The proposals for industry and commerce that are not in accordance with the relevant policies of this plan would not normally be permitted but special provision for very large projects may occasionally be made in exceptional circumstances provided that , and there are three criteria , There would be substantial proven employment or other benefits to county residents , the proposal can not reasonably be implemented on land proposed in local plans for industrial or commercial development bearing in mind the undertakings operational requirements , and thirdly , that there are no overriding planning objections .
5 However , one charge that can not reasonably be made against the Government is that they have privatized the service .
6 Some weeks after accepting delivery and paying for the computer , it is found that , although the computer works well in every other respect , it is not compatible with the company 's other machines and can not reasonably be made so .
7 But clearly there is a point beyond which restrictions can not reasonably be imposed on the grounds of good neighbourliness without payment of compensation — and ‘ general considerations of regional or national policy require so great a restriction on the landowner 's use of his land as to amount to a taking away from him of a proprietary interest in the land ’ .
8 Nevertheless some form of indicator of performance must be laid down beforehand or progress can not reasonably be assessed later .
9 That conception , for all the problems it raises , can not reasonably be said to be of the same character .
10 Although the hammock episode is explicable in terms of his experience , the subsequent transition to drifting above the ground can not reasonably be related to his usual fate when falling out of the hammock ; these dreams , which are not uncommon , seem uniquely detached from any experience in real life .
11 Such entry could be extremely disruptive to the tenant and the following proviso may be advisable : Anyone entering the Premises under any of the provisions contained in this Lease shall only do so if the purpose of such entry can not reasonably be achieved otherwise than by effecting entry on to the Premises and any person or persons entering the Premises pursuant to the provisions of this Lease shall cause the minimum of disturbance to the business being carried on in the Premises and shall not in any event prevent such business from being carried on and shall forthwith make good all damage caused by such entry
12 that the respondent has behaved in such a way that the petitioner can not reasonably be expected to live with him ( or her ) ;
13 that the respondent has behaved in such a way that the applicant can not reasonably be expected to live with the respondent ; or
14 That the respondent has behaved in such a way that the petitioner can not reasonably be expected to live with the respondent .
15 To get the divorce you have to show that your wife has behaved in such a way that you ‘ can not reasonably be expected ’ to live with her .
16 If you can not reasonably be expected to vote in person on polling day you can apply for an absent vote .
17 Therefore absolute trust , which we placed eagerly with the likes of Clarkie and as a result had our faces rubbed in the dirt , can not reasonably be expected .
18 A counter-notice which must be served within 21 days after service of the Notice , should only be given where it is required that the party whose statement it is sought to admit , should be called as a witness , but there are witnesses who can not , or should not be called , that is if dead , beyond the seas , or unfit to attend , or who can not after reasonable diligence be identified , or can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection ; consequently in respect of all those persons , the opposing party is not entitled to serve a counter-notice requiring such person to be called unless he can contend that the person can , or should be called .
19 There are five specific reasons for not calling a witness given in r25 — namely , that the witness is dead or beyond the seas or unfit by reason of bodily or mental condition to attend as a witness or that , despite the exercise of reasonable diligence , it has not been possible to identify or find him or that he can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection of matters relevant to the accuracy or otherwise of the statement .
20 By s.2(1) the accused is not dishonest if he : ( a ) believes he has a legal right to deprive the victim of the property ; ( b ) believes that the victim would have consented to the appropriation of the property , if he had known of the circumstances ; ( c ) finds property , when the owner can not reasonably be found .
21 His goodwill with those customers belonged to him and can not reasonably be taken from him by a covenant of this kind .
22 In some research and development contracts the degree of technical uncertainty may be such that the requirement can not reasonably be specified in terms of an end result .
23 The reconstruction of the interior of Uppark can not reasonably be described as maintenance .
24 Whatever its actual effect , the English wanted at least to make sure that they would not be out of pocket over expansion in America , and the fear that they would lose money was expressed by the economist Charles Davenant when he wrote in 1698 : ‘ it can not reasonably be admitted that the mother country should impoverish herself to enrich the children nor that Britain should weaken herself to strengthen America . ’
25 In preparing the job description the head teacher shall ensure that no teacher shall be given a job description which requires him or her to undertake duties which in combination can not reasonably be discharged .
26 Politicians can not reasonably be blamed for all this .
27 Yet just because it is so general and common a process , finding its means and occasions and objects in such diverse ways , and again and again interpenetrating with many of the most practical or most ideological activities , it can not reasonably be abstracted to one exclusive set of practices or one exclusive intention or set of intentions .
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