Example sentences of "can be regarded as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even a letter to the Police Review can be regarded as a form of indiscipline :
2 Firstly Muslims ( like Christians and unlike Hindus ) have set prayers which should be said during the day , so that Christian prayers can be regarded as a threat or at least an alternative to Islam , and secondly , while Hindu and Sikh parents often regard Christian prayers for their children as so much water off a duck 's back , Muslims , again like Christians or religious Jews , object to any other religious influence on their children .
3 Each vertex can be regarded as a triangular pyramid with a base to edge ratio of π .
4 In building up its stable of branded prescription drugs , Medeva has bought a number from SmithKline Beecham , including Dexedrine , which can be regarded as a UK equivalent of methylphenidate , and the products Normax and Micralax , which are used to treat constipation arising from use of opiates in severe pain cases .
5 The contestation of meaning can be regarded as a fundamentally transgressive practice which can have a liberating effect on the reader — hence his emphasis on the value of the ludic aspect of fractured narrative which had a ‘ carnivalesque ’ role ( almost in the Bakhtinian sense ) of freeing the reader .
6 Zarathustra 's monotheistic religion can be regarded as a response to the social conditions of his time , an age of transition when a settled agricultural and pastoral community was being threatened by predatory tribes who still followed the nomadic way of life .
7 He came to the conclusion that time can be regarded as a numbering process associated with our perception of before and after in motion and change .
8 Since the timekeeping was governed mainly by the flow of water rather than the escapement action , this device can be regarded as a link between the timekeeping properties of a steady flow of liquid and those of mechanically produced oscillations .
9 Platelet aggregation , or platelet-platelet stickiness , can be regarded as a special case of platelet adhesion and follows adhesion of platelets to injured surfaces .
10 Papinian is discussing whether , if a non-heir builds a monument , this can be regarded as a negotium gestum and the costs charged to the heir .
11 This.vertical Phillips curve ( labelled LPC in Fig. 6.4 ) can be regarded as a warning to policy-makers that continued attempts to reduce unemployment below its natural level can only lead to higher and higher inflation rates and no long-run decrease in unemployment .
12 It can be regarded as a principle apart from morality on which morality can be based since it provides a reason why it might be worthwhile for a man to act morally .
13 This practice can be justified on the grounds that many narrative pieces , including those related in our extract , were written separately in Germany in 1798–9 ; and so the philosophy can be regarded as a later intrusion .
14 New forms of behaviour are the result of what can be regarded as a ‘ mind climate ’ or group mental energy creating a morphogenetic field .
15 That which vibrates within the electron can be regarded as a unit of pure consciousness .
16 The energy enters the particle via a similar point ( laya centre ) which can be regarded as a vacuum point in the charge where the vortex field will not be deformed in any manner .
17 Outgoing student calls are made from a pay phone , so that the telephone charge can be regarded as a purely administrative expense .
18 It is often , at least initially , a response to social distress , and in turn , this indicates that counselling responses to problems of excessive drinking should not concentrate on the drinking alone , which can be regarded as a symptom , but on the deeper underlying social and emotional causes which have given rise to it .
19 The boughs grow out from the trunk at nearly the same angle throughout the life of the tree and the sapling can be regarded as a geometrical model of the fully grown tree .
20 RIGHT Religion can be regarded as a primitive attempt to explain scientifically all the phenomena around us .
21 There is no way in which Darwin can be regarded as a parent of the science of plant ecology .
22 Give-aways such as book matches , note pads , pens , pencils , diaries , calendars and stationery , can be regarded as a good investment if they promote the good image of the establishment .
23 On this analysis , the 1950s-60s fertility boom can be regarded as a once-for-all anachronism .
24 Children can be regarded as a ‘ consumption good ’ bringing non-material satisfactions .
25 Childbearing can be regarded as a confirmation that the parents feel at one with the nation and culture in which they live ( Simons 1986a ) .
26 It has been suggested that there are three theoretical approaches to regimes binding erga omnes : they can be regarded as a special concept within the law of treaties constituting an exception to the res inter alios principle ; they can be justified on a public law basis whereby a group of States assume quasi-legislative competence to create a regulatory regime for a defined territory in the overall community interest ; or other processes such as recognition , acquiescence , estoppel , historic title , or the formation of customary international law can produce an erga omnes effect on treaties intended to have that effect .
27 Similarly ANZUS can be regarded as a political treaty , but the Vienna Convention does not categorise treaties .
28 In this respect , his pluralism can be regarded as a more sophisticated version of monism .
29 To assign a role to culture is not to resolve the problems of structure versus action because the here and now culture , whatever its foundations in historical action , can be regarded as a component of social structure in a general sense .
30 But it would not count as a non-branching hierarchy ; branching can be regarded as a canonical feature of a taxonomic hierarchy .
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