Example sentences of "can be found within the " in BNC.

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1 These are just a few examples of the types of products that can be found within the leading farm shops in Surrey who will also be exhibiting , including Secretts from Milford .
2 There is no need to run to outside bodies such as an extended Plant Commission or Commission for Social Justice for new ideas , he argues ; strength can be found within the party .
3 such an ability to engage in a comprehensive review of policy options presupposes a greater concentration of political power in the hands of a single policy-maker or group of policy-makers than can be found within the American political system .
4 Erm first of all , I think alternative sites can be found within the district which meet the requirements of P P G three , erm set out in paragraph thirty three , and I think the other advantage which perhaps has n't been touched on is that the new settlement in Selby District would balance the otherwise very heavy bias of recent and future programmed development which is er to the north east of York .
5 We have already noticed the sense in which conventionalism is bilateral : it insists that if no decision of some case can be found within the explicit extension of a legal convention one way or the other , the judge is obliged to make new law as best he can .
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