Example sentences of "can be found in the " in BNC.

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1 If so , the power of critics may be no more than the listings services offered in the papers or on posters , while real power can be found in the organisation of the art market .
2 A good example of this can be found in the sleep village of Buckland in Oxfordshire !
3 Examples of neo-Georgian pubs can be found in the suburbs of Liverpool ( often designed by Quiggin and Gee , two former pupils of Professor Reilly ) and in many other places .
4 A classic example of this attitude can be found in the small but highly profitable Taylor Walker-run chain J & W Nicholson .
5 These plants , with their slow metabolism , can be found in the wild growing happily in woodland floors where sunlight is filtered .
6 The address can be found in the library , post office or the GP 's surgery .
7 Details of local Age Concern groups can be found in the telephone book under ‘ Age Concern ’ or ‘ Old People 's Welfare Council ’ .
8 Three fine examples of this exhilaration can be found in the excited circling of the cast round the hero and heroine in such ballets as Coppélia , Pineapple Poll and Daphnis and Chloë .
9 Each step can be found in the classical vocabulary .
10 Another source for dances of character can be found in the sad clown or ‘ the man who gets slapped ’ .
11 Dostoevsky 's letter to Katkov asserting that crimes like Raskolnikov 's can be found in the newspapers also discusses motive .
12 The draft letter to Katkov merely claims that crimes like this fictional one can be found in the newspapers , and that the fictional murderer has come under the influence of certain half-baked ideas which happen to be in the air at the time .
13 A further striking difference between countries which is partly cultural in origin can be found in the differing legal rules which apply to business relationships .
14 Details of how it works can be found in the technical focus , but suffice to say the overall gearing remains the same as the four-speed ‘ box , with direct drive on fourth .
15 Such buildings can be found in the Pennine region of Yorkshire and the Lake District , although these combination buildings are not restricted to the north of England , similar types being found in the West-country .
16 An illustration of this can be found in the funerals of very famous people conducted with great pomp and circumstance .
17 The geometric origins of Constructivism can be found in the work of Pythagoras and its philosophy was prepared by Plato .
18 Avocets , shelduck and black-tailed godwits can be found in the estuaries , while the shores and islands are host to guillemots , kittiwakes , skuas and puffins .
19 In the conclusions we shall argue that the origins of these issues can be found in the earlier post-war period of child care policy , and that it remains doubtful whether this new legislation alone can resolve them .
20 Perhaps the strongest statements to this effect can be found in the report relating to Jasmine Beckford 's death : ‘ We are strongly of the view that social work can in fact be defined only in terms of the functions required of it by their employing agency operating within a statutory framework ’ ( London Borough of Brent , 1985 , p. 12 ) .
21 The seventh edition , in 1759 ‘ revised and altered according to the latest system of Botany ’ , included many new plants from overseas and , as Miller emphasised in the Preface , their descriptions had not been copied from books , but taken from nature : ‘ the far greater number are from growing plants which the author has under his care , and the others are from dried samples which are well preserved ; of which he has , perhaps , as large a collection as can be found in the possession of any private person . ’
22 This information can be found in the HSE annual report — Research and technological services 1990/91 , price £12.50 , available from HMSO or booksellers .
23 A great administrator , William ordered that a comprehensive record be compiled by a royal commission whose members had to visit every English shire in 1086 , recording the use of every piece of land , and the massive manuscript records can be found in the Museum of Public Records at Chancery Lane , London .
24 Ungulates can be found in the grasslands of all the major continents except Australia .
25 The Outer Hebrides Thrust , and all the important faults mentioned above can be found in the geological map Fig. 7 .
26 They are also an ancient group , since obvious arthropods , of primitive kinds , can be found in the earliest of Cambrian rocks .
27 An example of this position can be found in the writings of Karl Barth , probably the most famous Christian theologian of the twentieth century .
28 For today , Roberts ' delicate sketches and water-colours of Ottoman Palestine can be found in the hallways , bedrooms and living rooms of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Lebanon .
29 An interesting note on the inhabitants of Ravenstonedale can be found in the history of St. Oswald 's Church nearby .
30 Bond and Westbrook ( 1982 ) suggest that the source of the discrepancy can be found in the amount of the flavoured substance experienced by the subjects on the pre-exposure trial — Best and Gemberling ( 1977 ) gave only brief exposure whereas the other experimenters gave rather more .
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