Example sentences of "can be found [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The totems of American Indians , the carvings of Inouk , ancient bronze ritual vessels from China , and many more examples can be found through the world and the centuries .
2 Assuming that a path can be found through the sometimes difficult terrain of the language , this book should show students the advantages to be gained from a collapse of boundaries between the disciplines of art and politics , and from a policy of inclusion rather than exclusion .
3 Local tennis clubs can be found through the International Tennis Federation or the Lawn Tennis Association .
4 Enthusiasm for such ideas has even now not completely evaporated ; voices advocating them can be found through the 1970s and 1980s and , in only marginally more sophisticated forms , at the present time :
5 Few biologists have not at one time or another marvelled at the exquisite fit that can be found between the characteristics of an organism and the characteristics of its environment .
6 The implication of what you 're saying is that these hundred hectares plus can be found between the York City boundary and the inner boundary of the greenbelt ?
7 He denies that the decision in McLoughlin should turn on whether any distinction in principle can be found between the case of emotional injury suffered at the scene of an accident and the same kind of injury suffered later .
8 Apart from anything else , it leads us into several fascinating areas , such as etymology , linguistic fashion , verbal humour , and the expression of gender — the last two being particularly difficult roads to travel along , and where the bones of many an unwary linguist can be found along the way .
9 Full information about these chairs can be found towards the back of this book .
10 This distinction can be backed up by philosophy and aesthetics , and descriptions can be found of the resultant moments of vision or epiphanies .
11 Whatever may be the limits of Article 235 , and it has been noted that it gave rise , even before the Community acquired its express environmental competence , to legislation on the conservation of wild birds , examples can be found of the development of what would appear to be new Community policies , without even a reference to Article 235 .
12 ‘ From the first traces of their existence to this day , no example can be found of an interposition by the courts of Westminster Hall proceeding according to the general law of the land ; but the judges have acted as in a domestic forum .
13 If it is , I can only hope it will work with all concerned to see whether a solution can be found to the problem of access .
14 however can be found for a general polymer from birefringence and n.m.r. studies .
15 What origins , and what final justice , can be found for the critical assumption that , as Bradbury expresses it , ‘ the experimental tradition did shift or lapse ’ in Britain after modernism ( Bradbury 1973 : 86 ) ?
16 Similar expressions can be found for the effect of changes in age of onset of alleles which have permanent effects once first expressed .
17 Without it there 's a chance that a buyer can be found for the new slimmed-down company .
18 But in other sites , particularly in limestones , they can be found with every fine skeletal detail preserved .
19 They were prominent in the Silurian and Devonian , where they can be found with the fish-like animals that abounded in the fresh- and brackish water deposits of the time , although some of the Ordovician ones are in marine sediments .
20 I can be found with the Prince of Wales 's Own Volunteers who are a part of Sir Colin Halkett 's brigade . ’
21 References to specific aspects of the same phenomena can be found with the terms ‘ the politics of dependency ’ , ‘ internal colonialism ’ and ‘ regional nationalism ’ .
22 Similar examples can be found with the verb permit : ( 213 ) The second agreement permits the authority to sell a 520-acre tract west of Stage 1 .
23 Within the Crown and Key schemes high quality can be found at every level .
24 Sergeants and Inspectors know almost exactly where an officer can be found at a certain time , and woe betide the constable who keeps his superior officer waiting .
25 The best motorway cuppa can be found at a service station on the M-one .
26 Their range of carving and turning products can be found at The Field , Shipley , Heanor , Derby DE7 7JJ , ( 0773 ) 719842 .
27 More traditional fare can be found at the Plaka taverna just across the road .
28 A helpful picture dictionary can be found at the back of the book .
29 A circular type known as Clava tombs can be found at the northern end of the Great Glen , many without an entrance , which would seem to signify that each was used only once and then sealed .
30 An example of how it can be used to derive an apparently more powerful law can be found at the end of section 2 .
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