Example sentences of "can be draw from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another example of a conflict between official and unofficial group norms can be drawn from a situation where a group itself decides to operate a certain level of output over a given time , regardless of targets set by the management in their search for increased efficiency and productivity .
2 The other was trying to find a mechanism to sell more. , Another example of the ability to see the wood from the trees can be drawn from the time he was asked to take charge of Esso 's marine operations .
3 No conclusion can be drawn from the coin loss at any individual site , unless it varies significantly from the pattern .
4 An example in this area , and one of considerable importance , can be drawn from the much discussed academic — pastoral divide which has numerous origins , including the need to ‘ place ’ a dispossessed hierarchy during a phase of bureaucratic upheaval .
5 A third example can be drawn from the present fascination with evaluation — this is a particularly powerful example of the distortions which ‘ control ’ can introduce even though perfectly ‘ rational ’ or ‘ acceptable ’ from a managerial perspective .
6 The clearest statement of this situation was provided by Wilson ( 1962 ) and some conclusion can be drawn from the fact that this was so long ago .
7 The only conclusion that can be drawn from the above correspondence is that Stirling must have had some sort of operation in mind using parachutes during the period when he was returning from his second visit to Sirte .
8 No firm recommendations on weeding practice can be drawn from the conflicting findings of these reports .
9 But this is not of course to deny that relevance or significance can be inferred , that insights can be drawn from the discipline and their implications for the subject explored .
10 Indeed , if there is one conclusion that can be drawn from the first year 's experience of audit regulation , it is that so far there is insufficient evidence to judge the quality of the service registered auditors provide .
11 Based on the experience to date some clear conclusions can be drawn from the best practice approach :
12 In retrospect I can see that this implication can be drawn from the envelope , and I only wish I had realised it at the time .
13 The above comparison articulates two , related , conclusions that can be drawn from the evidence reviewed so far .
14 Falk advances these principles in the awareness that , pending the actual abolition of nuclear weapons , a different , and much more dangerous conclusion can be drawn from the argument about the illegality of nuclear weapons .
15 One conclusion which can be drawn from the Stanovich and West experiments on the effects of context is that the mark of a good reader is rapid word recognition .
16 I would like to end by asking what lessons can be drawn from the successes and the disappointments of recent decades .
17 What conclusions can be drawn from the failure of social services to reduce substantially socio-economic inequalities of access , use and outcome ?
18 The general conclusion that can be drawn from the evidence presented here is that regional policy has an improving effect on the employment and investment situation of development areas .
19 If there are lessons that can be drawn from the past four years then they are probably the following .
20 Although the survey was carried out in 1987 , and events in education have moved on with amazing rapidity since then , many of the conclusions that can be drawn from the interviews seem to have retained their relevance , particularly in the context of the issue I have been exploring in this chapter .
21 What then are some of the other conclusions that can be drawn from the study of environmental history ?
22 One of the conclusions that can be drawn from the responses is that despite the increased provision of online information services by a range of organisations including Aberdeen City library , the Scottish Council and others , the level of awareness and potential of such information sources is still low .
23 Is there any conclusion which can be drawn from the results , which might link the average percentage error and the distance of the person from the wall ?
24 An important conclusion that can be drawn from the fiscal records is that the immediate effect of the Black Death in 1348–49 was slight in destroying communities , because most of the villages which eventually disappeared are still recorded as contributing to subsidies levied in the fifteenth century .
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