Example sentences of "can be describe [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The opportunity can be described to the individual and their interest determined .
2 Indeed for those insiders living in Cheater 's metaphorical front room — such as in the police — the need to obscure and seek a degree of anonymity from the analytic gaze can be described as a major principle in the preservation of power , ranking highly in the structures of significance .
3 This is probably the last of what can be described as a traditional Farnborough year , although many of the old faces were disappearing , many new faces were emerging too .
4 The theory can be described as a characterisation of the possible patterns or as the destructive part of the problem — it destroys or eliminates certain possibilities .
5 Salts can be described as a collection of ions held together by their mutual electrostatic attraction .
6 In the factory , each block is reduced to a finished curling stone weighing 40 lbs which can be described as a thing of beauty and is truly an example of the finest craftsmanship .
7 This is , in short , an entirely successful CD , and one of those rare recordings that can be described as a monument to the art of playing the piano .
8 The UK Retail Price Index can be described as a monthly weighted average of price relatives in which the weights are revised annually .
9 Kevin Scully , senior vice-president of Global Systems and Technology , says : ‘ What we have can be described as a centralised database with applications that are decentralised on a global basis .
10 ( NOTE that for ‘ road ’ there must be a line of communication which can be described as a road and it is not sufficient merely to show vehicles have access , e.g. to a car-park ) ; and
11 In fact , my childhood on Lewis can be described as a happy one .
12 The system itself can be described as a set of functions necessary for the overall purpose .
13 At that moment I understood that the Army out there , with its tanks aiding those madmen or , OK , even those pitiful people defending their immediate right to life is not defending anything that can be described as a social or national cause .
14 The skill can be described as a group of inter-related subskills which do not require moment-by-moment attention , and this is also an appropriate description of skilled reading .
15 On the one hand , it can be described as a linguistic text : X contains simple words , more abstract than concrete nouns , etc .
16 The Belfast community is a broadly monodialectal one , but within this it can be described as a divergent-dialect community ( Johnston , 1983 ) .
17 In J. Milroy and L. Milroy ( 1977 ) , we justified this method , somewhat retrospectively , in terms of the social network model ( the fieldworker can be described as a second-order network contact ) , and it is useful methodologically to think of it in this way ( indeed , many other investigators have successfully used the idea of social network as an explicit part of their fieldwork strategy ) .
18 Only the master of the house has a room that can be described as a personal sanctum , because he alone ( it would seem ) has to spend his mornings ‘ more or less … in practical affairs ’ .
19 All of these functions are composite in the budgetary process , which can be described as a two-stage process .
20 Suffice it to say that we think that at least one important human right can be described as a right — belonging equally to each human individual — to maximum ‘ positive freedom ’ , by which we mean the ability of people to make effective choices about their lives .
21 A will in my judgment is a document which must at least purport to contain something which can be described as a testamentary disposition .
22 It can be described as a fact-finding or special committee which is short lived and having achieved its purpose , reports back to the parent body and then ceases to exist ;
23 This group is a reaction to the racism in this school , we have what can be described as a very strong ‘ black mafia ’ within the school .
24 The option of settling a dispute rather than resolving it by going to trial can be described as a form of alternative dispute resolution , meaning methods of resolving a variety of disputes in ways alternative to court hearings .
25 So , the agreement in Lee v. Butler can be described as a conditional sale agreement .
26 Any set of search keys for a document can be described as a document profile .
27 Profit is normally seen as a flow over time whereas wealth can be described as a stock at a point in time .
28 The first local man who can be described as a manufacturer was Thomas Dunkley , who was born in 1802 and who began his working life as a shoemaker ; in 1851 William Dunkley was employing fifty men and twenty women and concentrating on a range of cheaper shoes .
29 The system can be described as a set of cascaded ATN networks which communicated via an ordered agenda .
30 He puts forward as an alternative a model of a two-language system with code switching between systems , citing B. L. Bailey 's ( 1966 ) description of the grammar of " Jamaican Creole " as an indication that " Creole " ( the basilect ) can be described as a discrete system .
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