Example sentences of "can n't go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Can I have , erm , I ca n't go up the stairs yet .
2 ‘ I really ca n't go through the day feeling like this . ’
3 Anyway , you ca n't go through the whole of your life being called Nigel , can you ?
4 I ca n't go into the particulars but whatever could take place between boys and girls squeedged into one bed , did take place and in the midst of the others .
5 You ca n't go into the recording studio and be Joe Bloggs .
6 You ca n't go into the booth with them and I ca n't tell him , ’ says the mother of a very able young man .
7 You ca n't go into the classroom and forget about what 's happening to you .
8 ‘ I ca n't — I ca n't go into the Dog and Duck .
9 I ca n't go into the Lab today . "
10 You ca n't go into the Foreign Office or the club without some new story about young Willie 's spies . ’
11 I ca n't go into the glass office as she has locked herself inside , so I press the intercom like the sign tells me to .
12 I mean we ca n't go into the private market and expect them or asking them to provide houses erm affordable houses as I say the question is what 's an affordable house , who 's got the money to buy the house I would presume , but obviously we know the situation is it 's the lower rent of market , the lower income groups and the unemployed that are suffering very much reasonable accommodation at a rent or at a price they can afford and I reckon this is what hopefully the government was after to say whether we 'll put in our policy and hope that we can get things .
13 ‘ I 've been busy trying to give Frank the backing he deserves , but we , the board , ca n't go into the dressing room and pick the side .
14 well we ca n't go into the reasons for that but I said let's respect the reasons I said if that 's how you feel I said , you 're a man you you must make your own decisions I said probably in a few months time you 'll come
15 Equally they ca n't go to the Socialist Workers ’ Movement either . ’
16 " A mother 's place is at home with her child " damns the mothers who are n't and answers my question about why I ca n't go to the nursery .
17 ‘ Well , he ca n't go to the police , can he ? ’
18 I do n't know , we ca n't go to the cinema tonight because I 've got to do this work I 've brought home .
19 Erm , we I wo n't be there to invigilate the exam but usually there 's some , I mean if you get stuck and you want a break just stick your hand up , but not everybody cos everybody ca n't go to the toilet .
20 ‘ No , you ca n't go to the doctor every time you get a bit of wind .
21 Well nowadays I do n't know whether you should record this or not , but nowadays erm they 'll not go unless they 've been to the bar or something before that well unfortunately Leslie 's not able to drink now , he ca n't after his operation , he ca n't take , it just upsets him altogether so he ca n't go to the bar and all the rest of the company have been to the bar and they 're in a different mood than what Leslie is , so Leslie 'll just not go , and it just , it 's kind of , cut him off
22 I mean , I would like to go to that auction tomorrow but we ca n't , I ca n't go to the hairdressers as well , so
23 we ca n't go to the stage well I mean I ca n't be bothered
24 You feel that you 're a bit of burden on your friends , perhaps , because you ca n't go to the pub and buy a round of drinks , because you 're bit of a drag on a lot of activities which involve spending some sort of money .
25 Things ca n't go on the way they are .
26 If you think you ca n't go on the Island in case you 're recognised , then you are finished .
27 Well you ca n't go on the list for six weeks anyway .
28 in about in the Easter holidays , I 'm going to see Cats , that 's like my dad 's treat because we ca n't go on the Friday that 's on a school , which I would like to , I think I will go on
29 ‘ Even you ca n't go against the wishes of a dead autocrat like Uncle , ’ replied Peter , ‘ though it 's probably your dearest ambition !
30 You ca n't go near the airport . ’
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