Example sentences of "can [verb] at the moment " in BNC.

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1 It is no sin that all you can feel at the moment is trapped , not by Harry , even though that is what you think , but by your own reaction to him .
2 The best we can do at the moment , until the ‘ organic revolution ’ hits the high street , is to eat foods as near as possible to their natural state — not out of tins and packets .
3 I do n't claim any great originality or depth , but it is the best I can do at the moment .
4 ‘ It 's the best you can do at the moment .
5 A preview will tell you what the software can do at the moment — we do n't go too heavily on any minor bugs or inconsistencies at the preview stage , but we do criticise bad design and form an opinion about whether the software will be up to scratch when it gets released .
6 All Leeds can do at the moment is keep winning the games we should win and clock the away victories , so that when the Uniteds of this world come along we wo n't be psyched out of beating them .
7 I think that 's , that 's all we can do at the moment and I take your point Mr , thank you .
8 Well you , that 's what you can do at the moment .
9 Erm , living there because all can do at the moment , is work in a shop or a restaurant or something like that and she does n't get paid as much as she 'll get on Social Security so it 's not worth it ,
10 The information below is as accurate a comparison we can provide at the moment , therefore .
11 ‘ We have discussed the possibility of doing an album or EP of covers ; the only problem I can see at the moment is that we tend to approach them all exactly the same way — speed them up . ’
12 Can I make a suggestion rather than re-numbering all those , its going to be quite a long job , is that from what I can see at the moment there is no reason why that ca n't be added on as a last sentence to nine anyway , cause nine says you records the outcome of the enquiry , .
13 Whether it will be better or worse no-one can tell at the moment , but the hands on the reins of administration will be more varied , more democratic and more in tune with the times — at least that 's the theory for this huge volte in the face of what has gone before .
14 The maximum you can afford at the moment ?
15 As far as one can foresee at the moment , the IDP will make a valuable contribution to the development or fish farming , which is one of the natural growth industries for the area .
16 All I can say at the moment is not less than about six hours , not more than a couple of days . "
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