Example sentences of "can [be] distinguish by the " in BNC.

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1 13 The lost Arch of Nero at Rome , depicted on coins minted at dome ( top ) and Lyon ( left ) ( the coins from Lyon can be distinguished by the small globe at the point of the emperor 's neck ) .
2 One interesting possibility is to extend , when possible , the convention that vowel sound can be distinguished by the presence or absence of a following ‘ e ’ .
3 Even specimens which have a sparse covering of spinelets and therefore resemble G. arcticus can be distinguished by the multipointed crown of the spinelets and by the occurrence of spinelets in the interradial areas .
4 Asteronyx loveni can be distinguished by the skin covered disk ; the bar shaped radial shields which reach almost to the centre of the disk ; the blunt mouth papillae ; the 8 to 9 arm spines on the arm and the well developed club shaped arm spine on the longer arms .
5 A. inornatum can be distinguished by the small ill-defined disk , the dense covering of granules , the genital slits positioned vertically on the sides of the disk , the arrangement of the jaw and the arrangement of the arm spines .
6 O. serpentaria can be distinguished by the shape of the apical and oral papillae , the skin covered disk and the marginal series of plates on the disk .
7 O. purpureus can be distinguished by the presence of dorsal arm plates , the arrangement of the tentacle scales of the second oral tentacle pore , the presence of one long flat tentacle scale on each arm pore and the transformation of the dorsal spines into hooks .
8 O. spinosus can be distinguished by the thin bar shaped radial shields which carry a single row of spinelets , the pointed oral and apical papillae , the lack of tentacle scales on the second oral tentacle pore and the thick skin which covers the disk and arms .
9 It can be distinguished by the form of the disk armament , the shape of the oral shield and the lack of transverse striations on the ventral and lateral arm plates ( see Table 1 ) .
10 Only Ophiomedea duplicata bears any resemblance to it but O. duplicata can be distinguished by the spine-like oral papillae not block-like papillae as in Ophiocymbium ; the adoral and oral shields differ in shape while the arm spines are rugose not smooth and glassy as in Ophiocymbium .
11 However , A. griegi can be distinguished by the following characters : the oral papillae tend to be more triangular with a broader base , the arm spines are thicker , broader at the base , the dorsalmost become flattened and have a blunt rounded tip , those of A. otteri are thin and pointed .
12 Ophiochiton ternispinus can be distinguished by the shape and scaling of the disk , the structure of the jaw particularly the arrangement of the two distalmost oral papillae , the shape of the dorsal and ventral arm plates and the limited number of arm spines .
13 O. ljungmani can be distinguished by the shape of the disk , the possession of disk spinelets , the form of the arm comb , the large tentacle pores , the shape of the oral shields and the arrangement of the arm spines .
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