Example sentences of "would become [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There would be a brief but spectacular meteor shower in Lucifer 's upper atmosphere tonight , he thought , wondering if those on Belial would watch and think of them , as he had thought of Paula Engado when she 'd become a shooting star .
2 Mrs Ruth Annison , association secretary , thought the Redmire branch would become a test case for similar lines elsewhere .
3 Maureen Moore was nineteen , and when she had finished her qualifications she would become a music teacher .
4 After the bypass completion the parish would be looking forward to the de-trunking of the A3 which would become a B road .
5 It was his idea that it would become a model city at an initial cost of £100,000 .
6 It was at that time that I interviewed David 's mother , Margaret Jones , who recalled a three-year-old David discovering a bag of make-up in an upstairs room and plastering himself with it , and how at one point she thought he would become a ballet dancer .
7 It was inevitable , too , that Mr Ueberroth would become the lightning rod for all criticism gathering round RLA itself .
8 In mid-1988 the PTT Ministry became the PTE ( 'E' for space — ‘ espace ’ ) Ministry and its Minister , Paul Quiles , announced that France Télécom would become the majority shareholder in TDF .
9 My falling in love with Julian was nothing to do with me , nothing to do with Julian , but part of the curse put on Bernard that his wife would become the love object of a man more attractive , more wealthy , more intelligent and of a higher status than he , so he did n't stand an earthly .
10 In July 1836 , Whitman and his new wife Narcissa , accompanied by the stern , short-tempered Reverend Henry Spalding and his ailing spouse , Eliza , hauled a wagon over what would become the Oregon Trail , to Fort Vancouver .
11 In addition , every member of the co-operative would be allowed a private plot of up to 5,000 square metres , while the land on which a farmer 's home and outbuildings stood ( up to a maximum of 6,000 square metres ) would become the freehold property of the householder .
12 Further memories were revived by a visit from his mother in the summer of 1921 which brought ‘ another anxiety as well as a joy ’ when Eliot was working on what would become The Waste Land .
13 By the time when he began to work most intensively on what would become The Waste Land , Eliot was neither god nor martyr .
14 The remembered light on the empty hayfields would grow magical , the green shade of the beeches would give out a delicious coolness as they tasted again the sardines between slices of bread : when they were away the house would become the summer light and shade above their whole lives .
15 I would become an Art Teacher in schools for young children …
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